Scottish poet and lyricist Robbie Burns is one of the most well-known people called Burns. We fight hatred with success. The word 'Cearmaid' comes from Old Irish and is probably a combination of 'ciar' (black) and 'madra' (dog), thus meaning a 'black dog.' 23. Like many ancient lands, Ireland has seen the arrival of settlers, explorers, ancient tribes, and clans of all different nationalities over centuries. Wilson 27. THE BLACK IRISH: Who were they? Full history, EXPLAINED 2) Even if it were 100,000 of them (which it wasnt) , it is already documented that many of them were indentured servants-not slaves and theres a huge difference! Famous Brennans include conedian Neal Brennan and actor Walter Brennan. * Originally published 2013. Who where these owners? If you notice, there is nothing said at all about color in the constitution concerning slaves. many were actually dark skinned black irish. You dont have to deny the history of one peoples suffering to expose that of the other. Other aspects of racism and bigotry are far too complicated to touch on here. 10. Many people tend come to the belief that African Blacks were the only ones in the entire world to fall victim to Slavery. It had to do with language. The slave owners of my ancestors were Dingles. I think we have a Black and White view of slavery in general that fails to embrace the reality of admixture insistent on purity much like Jim Crow laws. The most famous people with the surname Hayes were Rutherford B. Hayes, the 19th president of the United States, and retired basketball player Elvin Hayes. However, Ireland considers itself a dual speaking country, so visitors can expect to see both English and Irish on public service signs and announcements. There has been slavery of some form for as long as humans have been homosapiens. Dunne From the Irish for brown (donn), the original Irish name Duinn has by now lost the O prefix. We are truly brothers and sisters lets keep recording history and see if we can make the future better for everyone. This article tries to make it seem as if black slaves had it far better than Irish slaves or indentured servants. Blacks are/were not the only slaves. Compare Blatch and Blick . Sharing in everyday culture and identity, as well as ancestry, human presence on the Emerald Isle dates back some 12,500 years, according to archaeological studies. As a lay person, its hard to know who to believe. However, most Blacks in the USA dont have to deal with slavery. Its usually done to earn money for the commissary or to pay back a debt to the person they committed the crime on. Not from being bread with Irish. Wealthy irish were Protestants who were placed there by England to control and rule the Native population. Black Irish Band, American folk music musical group. They are lowland Scots (not highlanders, more English in their culture. Moonshine? Jesus was born in the mid east, why do people believe that his hair is blond and straight, and have white skin, even hanging on the walls of black people, along with Martin Luther King, Malcolm x, John Kennedy. The turnover would not be that high if whites treated enslaved blacks with even a modicum of kindness. Today there are lots of Irish people reverting to their original names and not the English versions. .Ireland Scotland Wales ..even babies. One last thing, the only person / historian if you can really call him that ,since he is really just a flippin Englishman from Ireland .really he is descended from English lords which is why he is on ten different websites promoting irish slavery is a myth. I have been unsuccessful with finding all the data you have, will you please site the sources from your research? The English settlers (the masters in Ireland, supported by the English/British army) spoke English. Communicating with an African would have been a completely different matter, and names would have been unpronounceable and incomprehensible to any white slave owner. They have suffered nothing but a lack of potatoes and cabbages. Even to this day many still believe that Irish slavery only affected a few thousands. Wow! I think the Scots are the OMallys and OConners and the like.. Kelly is Scotland argyle or Ayrshire area originated there just like Kyle does. Fourth, historically the highest amount of interethnic marriage between two ethnic groups post civil war are Irish and African. Gee, did the Irish ever make whisky? I do so only under protest. .werenot left out..some of those babies are in their 80ts 90ths now..but the whites in this categories are ashamed and dont talk about it..the kkk originated from the fear of free slaves coming to take their some black slaves were doing better than the indentured servants. The Black men were getting all the women. We know all too well the atrocities of the African slave trade. Ive often had arguments on the very same topic, because blacks have claimed slavery as our own. "Kiss me, I'm Irish" is a popular phrase often associated with St. Patrick's Day celebrations. First of all, the reason for the Civil War was the Confederates secession from the Union. In parts of India the caste system locks some segments of society into servitude. Last name: Duffy. there is another book to read; which indicates that the so-called American Revolution was spurred on by slave revolts in the west indies. slavery is not in the past. I enjoy being educated, there is so much to learn that I wish our young people were taught, so they would love instead of hating each other. Judging history, or whole groups of people through myopic glasses is not only intellectually dishonest but harmful in the modern practice of superimposing everything over the wrongs of the past. look im from ireland we are not racist people. Irish slaves were still white. Google how and why enslaving whites/Christians was outlawed in the U.S. Im not going to do the research for you. January 1861, seven Southern slave states individually declared their secession from the United States and formed the Confederate. Slavery is not the problem we have to endure. Probably. If Irish and blacks suffer slavery together, why is it only the blacks that lost their surnames and the Irish somehow retained their surnames and a knowledge of who they were [IRISH]?!? Was that part of their original contract? Walsh Irish spelling: Breathnach Meaning: Welshman. The division of humans was more to do with social characteristics, rather than physical ones. How did Blacks end up with Irish names? Presbyterian freeholders? Reblogged this on Eccentric and Bent and commented: Kiss Me, I'm Black Irish. Embracing Heritage and Celebrating | by Another theory of the origin of the term "Black Irish" is that these people were descendants of Spanish traders who settled in Ireland and even descendants of the few Spanish sailors who were washed up on the west coast of Ireland after the disaster of the Spanish Armada of 1588. Walsh 5. Some say they came from the Spanish Armada. Their solution to this problem was to start a system of banishment,not unlike what Stalin had done later in the 1930s ,banishing peasants , kulaks, political opponents and others deemed as undesirables and enemies of the state to prison camps and salt mines in the desolate Siberia. Theres no question that the Irish werent treated very well. We are, however, disputing the numerical facts posited in this article. This is a larger issue that could unify people against those who are demonically possessed but still call shots. We respect your privacy and take protecting it seriously, How to plan a trip to Ireland (in 9 steps), Irish boy names that nobody can pronounce. As most of the slave owners were of Anglo-Celtic descent, these are the names that the African-Americans were saddled with. I am black American and have African indentured servants in my lineage. This fact is recorded in ancient China, Egypt and Mesopotamia. The Irish slave trade began when James II sold 30,000 Irish prisoners as slaves to the New World. Interesting. For example, I am irish and my name in Irish is Aine Maire OFallanhaim, but it was Anglicized to Ann Marie Fallon by the British. What I will do is to remind you that GOD gave us all an ability that sets us apart from lower animals and that is the ability to reason, use common sense instead of instinct, as lower animals do. This is what we know today as the Trans-Atlantic and Trans-Saharan slave trades. Throughout history, all nations and races are guilty of slavery. T. P. McKenna was an Irish actor from County Cavan and is one of the most well-known of this name. Indentured servitude did not last as long as or was as vast as outright chattel race based life long slavery in America. Notable persons with that surname include: Top A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z Fictional characters List [ edit] A [ edit] Indentured servitude is a form of slavery not *voluntary servitude*. Get your heads out of your collective asses and out of all those others. Ryan is another popular Irish family name across the world. Where they not forced to build railroads and gassed and burned in ovens? Enjoy! "Can't beat a good Irish pub" - David Beckham celebrates son's birthday in Dublin, UPDATE: Alex Murdaugh sentenced to life in prison for murdering wife and son, WATCH: Irish bishop's funeral held in Los Angeles today, Liam Neeson, Michael D Higgins and Bono among voices featured on "Patrick Kavanagh Almost Everything'", Rita OHare passes a mighty voice for justice is stilled, Brian Donnelly, Irish American visa hero, has died. Im other words,. However Middle English blac also meant 'pale wan' a reflex of Old English blc 'pale white' with a shortened vowel. I thought it was funny when he came out with this B.S. Our ppl fled into west and central Africa (Khem aka Ham) after Jerusalem was destroyed by Rome in 70 CE. Its like saying, Im personally offended by you not because of your genetics but because of your race!. Some would conquer their enemies to gain power, land, wealth and additional wealth by selling their slaves to slave traders. Impregnating Black slaves was a way to increase the wealth of the slave owners. But nowadays American people ( so called african americans and redneck irish) are all dumbed down, thats why you are fighting to be the worst treated slaves. Moore 21. Black Irish Books, publishing house of American author Steven Pressfield. Who were you responding to? Are the Australian Aborigines to be categorized in this same way although, willingly or unwillingly, they didnt participate in the same slave trade and share no (at least within the past several thousand years) common history with the African Blacks? 9. Blacks participated and also were complacent in the slave trades. Ryan is a popular surname in County Tipperary. I still choose not to use the Irish name my Black family still carries. Dudley or Dudlly is my family name . because of there race ? Reblogged this on familytreegirldotcom and commented: There is an ancient fable that Wulfricus Niger, otherwise . Subscribe to our mailing list and get interesting stuff and updates to your email inbox. (I feel it necessary to elaborate because of your intellectual handicap. Slavery was not born purely out of racism; racism was a later byproduct or justification for slavery. Notable OSheas include actor Milo OShea and singer-songwriter Mark OShea. America was named after another so-called white man by the name of Amerigo Vespuci. ? Irish slaves suffered as much as black people did so they married each other?? Not really. who wants to admit that, its not something to be proud ofin fact irish people when they arrived as immigrants in the late 1800s ..after the irish slavery of the 1600s in New England and Virginia, South Carolina,etc.they were given guns to go fight a war right after they landed, literally!!!!! Yeah, well done Harrison, first bit I read about James IIs proclamation 8 years before he was even born cracked me up! Does anyone have any further information regarding my family name? These last names chosen were often those of Union soldiers whom were primarily Irish. They became very wealthy and powerful at the expense of their foes and rivals. So stupid its almost funny, but instead its depressing cuz its so ignorant and shows how gullible these liberal assholes are, just looking for someone elses cause to bear cuz they gotta help those poor, downtrodden folks recover their true histories, and file a lawsuit against the government so they can assimilate into modern society and buy organic and get a job in IT or in the arts or a good non-profit..fuck you. My Great great great grandmother was the daughter of an Irish Slave Owner. Hardly slavery, its a choice. Other theories suggest that the term Black Irish results from Irish immigrants.