The movie hinted at Bernadette being gay but only a hint. First, an assumedly innocent girl murdering her schoolmate got people by surprise. Heres what I think happened, Bernadette wanted Kirstens approval badly cause everyone else had Kirstens approval and Bernadette became dangerously obsessed over the whole deal, and she invited Kirsten out that night to make friends, and I think she said something to her that went horribly wrong to Kirsten, like make a clumsy pass at her and it terrified Kirsten, and Kirsten threatened to expose it to everyone, and Bernadette just freaked out and it possible she just found the knife by chance and got scared that a secret was going to be revealed, so she went to scare her, and maybe she didnt mean to kill her, but she meant to harm her (thats a fact). Shes the Victim. Do you really think its acceptable to lure someone out of their house under false pretences and then expect a positive reaction if your lie is discovered? She claimed she followed in the Pinto only to make sure Kirsten got home safely. The costas still have to deal with pain and grief and it doesnt matter if she was angry nobody thought about kirsten or her family by letting bernadette get a slap on the wrist! And you dont give a fuck cause you are popular? Shes older also. Maybe it wasnt a big national story at the time, and was more of a California Bay area story (Im from Illinois). You Mats that knows Kirsten, why was she so Mean? I just heard that Kirsten was full of energy and life. There was no justification for murder even if the victim was a bully, which it seems she was, at worst, catty. Your email address will not be published. So please stop drudging up the past and move on with your lives please. Wouldnt she have something smaller, like a paring knife? Movie portrayed Kirsten as a Snotty girl, when really she was just down to Earth and Vivacious and fun Loving. What preppy teenaged girl doesnt think shes better than the next? Costas, a Miramonte cheerleader, was murdered by fellow student Bernadette Protti in June of 1984. Poor bernadette seemed very vulnerable and in need of help. I hear Bernadette dont want anything to do with anyone from her past at all now. People need others not bullying. I wasnt in the Popular, but those girls still talked to me and was friendly with me. The movie really leaned toward Bernadette being seen by Kirsten and others as less of a person. Does it make you feel good to knowingly lie about a dead murdered girl? The most exciting thing is that the case took quite an unexpected turn, and Bernadette ended with a nine-year sentence. Orinda folks and former Students who knew Kirsten are not into Morbid fascinations. Yes Kirsten and them all thought they were better than a lot. Like I said, Ms.Stuff, D and Beauty and the Beast, today could be the Life of the Party if they wanted to be. Doesnt make her a killer, thats being a teenager but dont make it sound like she just said shut up thats unrealistic. Please make an appointment with your councilor at school and discuss this with him or her Read the article, read more on the actual case, stop judging real people based on a low-budget lifetime movie. In your dreams Bernadette was better looking! Real class comes from decent human beings who have respect for others. She could of been real nice and friendly. No there were several girls bullied, but Bernadette wasnt one. Kirsten and she sort of got along, and,( sort of didnt). Not saying its you, but a lot of Similarities. I have to laugh with this being 2021 and the person with the most judgment has the name of Karen. So, what happened in 1984 and what is Protti up to today? We need an Memorial Page set up for Kirsten. Also, she noticed a knife in the car, but Bernadette brushed it off by stating that her sister keeps it there to cut vegetables and fruits. Not saying she was an Angel, Im sure she said something to hurt Someones feelings, who hasnt! And not a fuckn psycho. Mandy, No sense talking about it now, its done and over with. Remember teen girls will be teen girls, and they grow out of caddiness when they get older, but Kirsten never got that chance so so horrible. Did you go to School with Kirsten and really know her? Catholic priests normally wear a violet, black or white stole during a funeral mass. She had friends to, some were Bernadettes, and they dont care to hear from or about Bernadette anymore. Doesnt it seem weird that Bernadettes sister would have an 18-inch knife for cutting tomatoes? I just read on You tube on her recipe Video where she is sick now. The Costas family is no longer mad and moved on so why cant you? Esp one 86 girl who thought she was just on top of the world. It is abundantly clear from your comments that you do not have class and were not raised to treat others with respect, you odiously sanctimonious deluded ignoramus. Also, Im flattered by the attention you gave me on the blog. Unfortunately, no one was home as nobody answered the call. This is Berns BFF Ill bet. The Lifetime movie serves as a dramatic retelling, where we see how a girl decides that she can be popular and accepted at school, by befriending one of the more beautiful classmates. Kirsten Costas, who had just finished her sophomore year at Miramonte High School in this scenic, affluent suburb, was killed at about 10pm Saturday, Contra Costa County . I didnt really know her, just who she was, same for Bernadette. Believe me it was a 6 month witch hunt. Later, an agitated Kirsten reached out to Alex and Mary Jane Arnold, in Moraga, saying her friend had acted weirdly with her. Bernadette was just as nice as we were on swim team together growing up. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply. Kirsten always showed off her cheers, she was proud. Tell me someone who is nice to every single person in the world and likes every single person in the world, if they do let me meet them. She was mercilessly cruel to anyone who was nothing like her although death in my opinion was far too good for her or any other bully. Obviously we didnt know B was the killer. Paris Mahone, did you even know Kirsten? Teen girls are all like Kirsten was described, dont see how she was worse than any other teen girl around. Bernadette should of gotten 25 to life for that Crime. I think she had a crush on Kirsten and was terrified of Kirsten telling everyone she was a lesbian. Bernadette had plenty of friends who loved her. I heard Kirsten was self absorbed, but no bully. Also, Kirsten was upper middle class and lived in a less expensive area than Bernadette. Shes obviously mentally ill . I believe Bernadette tried to friend her, and as I read and I do believe she acted on impulse, I believe she was just so enraged she snapped and did the (unthinkable). She just got irritated cause Bernadette lied to her and lured her out under false Circumstances, Id be annoyed and Angry to. Snobs like Kristen who think they are better than everyone, put others down, and degrade them because of their class status are the reason shootings like Columbine took place. You are full of it. If Mrs. Cistss forgave Bernadette then great. I was the daughter of a single mom who was a teacher. You cant try a 15yr old as an adult now. This will always be a tragic story that will never be forgotten, I certainly never wanted that to happen to Kirsten or anyone,she was a daughter, sister and friend to many. Using friends names there, they altered her friends names for Privacy rights. Everybody who knew her just loved her well most everybody. But would a real student please come forward and reveal yourself. Unfortunately, she faced numerous obstacles at becoming as cool as her idol. She knew what the students there would do to her. Who can walk a straight line and never say one un kind word ever, w all make mistakes, and most teen girls do get Caddy at times thats just Normal, but we outgrow it. I still cant help from thinking that, but largely I think B killed K because K was blocking B from her rise in popularity. Bernadette lived in a wealthier area than Kirsten. If you did your research, you would know that Kirsten didnt bully Bernadette. Maybe things wouldve been different for her and she would still be here today. But that has about a millionth of a percent chance of ever happening. Kelly is part of a popular school clique and seems to have everything Bridget desires. Goofs If Stacy Lockwood's funeral was Catholic, it would be unlikely the priest would wear a green stole and the casket covered in purple. Not saying Kirsten and Missy were Saints, but we all Bully and been Bullied. Killing is still not an excuse but Id have to say the real losers out of this situation are Bernadettes parents. She was home with a friend and an adult man who was watching them, classmates say. My kid knows better than to bully others. Not youre so called Sweet friend Bernie. She turned it about herself! Growing up there for me was different, I got along with people, and didnt try so hard being popular. A popular 15-year-old high school cheerleader described as an "All American girl" was stabbed to death on a neighbor's doorstep, apparently by another teenage girl. I dont believe she deserved to die, but she should have received a serious reality check. It shows what a shallow, loser, she was. I dealt with it so I know. According to Bustle, the Costas family relocated to Hawaii in the aftermath of the tragedy. She didnt want to be bothered with her either. I was wondering why she was so pro-Bernadette. Its time to move on and stop rehashing alll this. Kirsten was Cute and so funny and bouncy and full of energy and Life. I never saw her actually bully and some said they cant picture Kirsten ever being unkind Kirsten was loved by many very many. In USA is more important to be popular, not smart, no matter how you treat others you become popular just because you say some joke or anything else to molest the person. I must further observe that we have a kind of "Alice in Wonderland" situation here. The murderer named Bridget Moretti was played by Aubrey Peeples. She didnt deserve to die. Also Karen, Kirsten favors Stacey Dash, with Lindsey Warners personality on Saved by the Bell. Bernadette even tried to point her finger at Joanna as the one who killed Kirsten. The only freak in this tragic story is Bernadette. Look inwards and think with consideration before you speak. Bernadette got to all back to, she deserves to be vilified. Dont let that sweet innocent act fool you. She fit it fine and was considered to be popular in her own way.