(iv) For flywheels with smooth rims five (5) feet or less in diameter, where the preceding methods cannot be applied, the following may be used: A disk attached to the flywheel in such manner as to cover the spokes of the wheel on the exposed side and present a smooth surface and edge, at the same time providing means for periodic inspection. If made of wood, the posts shall be two by four (2 4) inches or larger. Malleable iron (min. Where two or more knives are used in one head, they shall be properly balanced. (11) Safety system certification/validation. If made of wood, the posts shall be two by four (2 x 4) inches or larger. The sides of the lower exposed portion of the blade shall be guarded to the full diameter of the blade by a device that will automatically adjust itself to the thickness of the stock and remain in contact with stock being cut to give maximum protection possible for the operation being performed. (2) Cutting heads on wood-turning lathes, whether rotating or not, shall be covered as completely as possible by hoods or shields. 12. 1910.156 Fire brigades. (4) Pressure pipes. (f) Guards shall be used to protect all areas of entry to the point of operation not protected by the presence sensing device. (ii) The safety system shall be designed, constructed, and arranged as an integral total system, including all elements of the press, the controls, the safeguarding and any required supplemental safeguarding, and their interfaces with the operator and that part of the environment which has effect on the protection against point of operation hazards. A press consists of a stationary bed or anvil, and a slide (or slides) having a controlled reciprocating motion toward and away from the bed surface, the slide being guided in a definite path by the frame of the press. Flanges shall be dimensionally accurate and in good balance. (2) Couplings. See Table O-10. (6) Multiple wheel mounting. The certification/validation report shall be signed by the Administrative Director and the Technical Director. (vii) Reactivation of PSDI operation following deactivation of the PSDI mode from any other cause, such as activation of the red color stop control required by paragraph (b)(7)(ii) of this section, interruption of the presence sensing field, opening of an interlock, or reselection of the number of sensing field interruptions/withdrawals required to cycle the press, shall require resetting of the set-up/reset means. . The major parts, components and subsystems used shall be defined by part number or serial number, as appropriate, and by manufacturer to establish the configuration of the system. 3. Demonstration of a thorough inspection of the entire press and PSDI safety system to ascertain that the installation, components and safeguarding have not been changed, modified or tampered with since the installation certification/validation or last recertification/revalidation was made. a. (4) This section covers the principal features with which power transmission safeguards shall comply. - Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Department of Labor, - Occupational Safety and Health Standards, 1910.214 Cooperage machinery. (A) The manufacturer's recommended test procedures for checking operation of the presence sensing device. (iii) Modified Types 6 and 11 wheels (terrazzo) with tapered K dimension. Type 1 wheels shall be mounted between flanges. (1) Safety cylinder head. If made of metal shapes or bars, their section shall be equal in strength to that of one and one-half (112) by one and one-half (112) by three-sixteenths (316) inch angle iron. (2) Vertical and inclined belts (paragraphs (e) (3) and (4) of this section) if not more than two and one-half (212) inches wide and running at a speed of less than one thousand (1,000) feet per minute, and if free from metal lacings or fastenings may be guarded with a nip-point belt and pulley guard. On both sides of the calender and near each end of the face of the roll, there shall be a cable or wire center cord connected to the safety trip. (ii) Shafting under bench machines shall be enclosed by a stationary casing, or by a trough at sides and top or sides and bottom, as location requires. It should be noted that the sensing device would be by-passed in the inch mode. We're always open to new suggestions on safety training topics you'd like to see! tensile strength 60,000 p.s.i.). (3) Steam hammers mean a type of drop hammer where the ram is raised for each stroke by a double-action steam cylinder and the energy delivered to the workpiece is supplied by the velocity and weight of the ram and attached upper die driven downward by steam pressure. Based upon this determination, a scale shall be developed to indicate the allowable 10 percent of the stopping time at the top of the stroke for slide or ram overtravel due to brake wear. The requirements of this paragraph are also applicable to sliding cutoff saws mounted above the table. Grade 32510. It is financially capable to conduct the work; b. Dimensions of such flanges shall never be less than indicated. The label shall indicate the press serial number, the minimum safety distance (Ds) required by paragraph (h)(9)(v) of this section, the fulfillment of design certification/validation, the employer's signed certification, the identification of the OSHA-recognized third-party validation organization, its signed validation, and the date the certification/validation and recertification/revalidation are issued. After receipt of a notification of preliminary disapproval, the applicant may submit a revised application for further review by OSHA pursuant to subsection I.B. Prior to conducting the brake system test required by paragraph (h)(2)(ii), a visual check shall be made of the springs. (4) Mill roll heights. 1910.1007 3,-Dichlorobenzidine (and its salts). Reactivation of the clutch shall require restoration of normal air supply and use of the tripping mechanism(s). If the supplemental guards are moved, the presence sensing device would become misaligned and the press control would be deactivated. When more than one wheel is mounted between a single set of flanges, wheels may be cemented together or separated by specially designed spacers. 1910.1010 Benzidine. When more than one wheel is mounted between a single set of flanges, wheels may be cemented together or separated by specially designed spacers. 1. (b) Mechanical power press guarding and construction, general -. When mounting wheels which have not been cemented together, or ones which do not utilize separating spacers, care must be exercised to use wheels specially manufactured for that purpose. This valve shall be closed and locked in the off position while the hammer is being adjusted, repaired, or serviced, or when the dies are being changed. Industrial/MRO/Safety; Safety & Security; Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) . (i) Air-lift hammers shall have a safety cylinder head as required in paragraph (d)(1) of this section. Steam or air piping shall conform to the specifications of American National Standard ANSI B31.1.0-1967, Power Piping with Addenda issued before April 28, 1971, which is incorporated by reference as specified in 1910.6. (1) Safety-bit chucks with no projecting set screws shall be used. A means of air lubrication shall be provided when needed. Any detected broken or unserviceable springs shall be replaced before the test is conducted. 4. The clutch/brake control system shall be designed and constructed to prevent actuation of the clutch if all operating stations are bypassed. (ii) The vertical clearance in passageways between the floor and power transmission beams, ceiling, or any other objects, is not less than five feet six inches (5 ft. 6 in.). The application need not be submitted on a Federal form. 2. (3) Type 6 straight cup wheels means wheels having diameter, thickness, hole size, rim thickness, and back thickness dimensions. (5) Each wood jointer with vertical head shall have either an exhaust hood or other guard so arranged as to enclose completely the revolving head, except for a slot of such width as may be necessary and convenient for the application of the material to be jointed. The test report shall be signed by a technical staff representative and the Technical Director. Type 11 wheels are subject to all limitations of use and mounting listed for type 6 straight sided cup wheels definition. This appendix prescribes mandatory requirements and procedures for OSHA recognition of third-party validation organizations to validate employer and manufacturer certifications that their equipment and practices meet the requirements of the PSDI standard. The OSHA catwalk width requirements are found in section 1910.28 (b) (5) (ii) (A). (i) Limitations: Special supporting, back adapter and inside flange nuts are required for the proper mounting of these types of wheels subject to limitations of 1910.215(c)(4) (i) and (ii). Wood guards may be used in the woodworking and chemical industries, in industries where the presence of fumes or where manufacturing conditions would cause the rapid deterioration of metal guards; also in construction work and in locations outdoors where extreme cold or extreme heat make metal guards and railings undesirable. (ii) Type 27 and Type 28 wheels, because of their shape and usage, require specially designed adaptors. The manufacturer shall design a test to demonstrate that the prescribed minimum object sensitivity of the presence sensing device is met. Blocks or wedges shall be made of material the strength and construction of which should meet or exceed the specifications and dimensions shown in Table O-11. The guarding device shall be in conformity with any appropriate standards therefor, or, in the absence of applicable specific standards, shall be so designed and constructed as to prevent the operator from having any part of his body in the danger zone during the operating cycle. (5) Additional requirements for safe-guarding. (B) Counterbalances shall be adjusted in accordance with the press manufacturer's recommendations to assure correct counterbalancing of the slide attachment (upper die) weight for all operations performed on presses used in the PSDI mode. Certification/validation by similarity analysis reports should identify, in addition to the above, application of the part, component or subsystem for which certification/validation is being sought as well as data from previous usage establishing adequacy of the item. (i) Die setting on presses used in the PSDI mode shall be performed in accordance with paragraphs (d) and (h) of this section. All metal should be free from burrs and sharp edges. (3) Guards for horizontal overhead belts. It should be noted that this does not require redundancy for press components such as structural elements, clutch/brake mechanisms, plates, etc., for which adequate reliability may be achieved by proper design, maintenance, and inspection. Where a disk is used, the keys or other dangerous projections not covered by disk shall be cut off or covered. (8) Forging rolls mean a class of auxiliary forging equipment wherein stock is shaped between power driven rolls bearing contoured dies. (57) Two-hand trip means a clutch actuating means requiring the concurrent use of both hands of the operator to trip the press. (41) Knockout means a mechanism for releasing material from either die. (v) The PSDI mode of operation shall be used only for normal production operations. 2. (1) Guards. (iii) Toeboards shall be four (4) inches or more in height, of wood, metal, or of metal grill not exceeding one (1) inch mesh. Since that time there have been several revisions, 1987, 1990, 1993, an Addenda in 1992, 2003, 2009, 2012, and 2015. A copy of the certification/validation report shall be submitted to OSHA within 30 days of its completion. Each manufacturer supplying parts, components, subsystems, and assemblies needs to maintain the quality of the product, and each employer needs to maintain the system in a non-degraded condition. (j) Modified Types 6 and 11 wheel (terrazzo) - blotters applied flat side of wheel only. This exposure shall begin at a point not more than 65 above the horizontal plane of the wheel spindle. 1910.24 Step bolts and manhole steps. b. (1) Machine guarding. (4) Belt sanding machines shall be provided with guards at each nip point where the sanding belt runs on to a pulley. The driving point of all friction drives when exposed to contact shall be guarded, all arm or spoke friction drives and all web friction drives with holes in the web shall be entirely enclosed, and all projecting belts on friction drives where exposed to contact shall be guarded. They shall be continuous, the ends being either riveted, bolted, or welded together in such a manner as to leave the inside free from projections. The test(s) shall document the range of object diameter sizes which will produce both single and double break conditions. 2. The tripwire cable or wire center cord shall operate readily whether cable or cord is pushed or pulled. Publication. 1910.1048 Formaldehyde. The clearance between the edge of the rear table and the cutter head shall be not more than one-eighth inch. This table shows the distances that guards shall be positioned from the danger line in accordance with the required openings. (v) The employer shall notify the OSHA-recognized third-party validation organization within five days whenever a component or a subsystem of the safety system fails or modifications are made which may affect the safety of the system. Tr = Longest response time, in seconds, of all interposing control elements between the presence sensing device and the clutch/brake operating mechanism(s). Examples: board hammers and air-lift hammers. (1) Flywheels. (9) All belts, pulleys, gears, shafts, and moving parts shall be guarded in accordance with the specific requirements of 1910.219. (4) Any automatic cutoff saw that strokes continuously without the operator being able to control each stroke shall not be used. (i) Diamond wheels, except certain vitrified diamond wheels. Belts which of necessity must be shifted by hand and belts within seven (7) feet of the floor or working platform which are not guarded in accordance with this section shall not be fastened with metal in any case, nor with any other fastening which by construction or wear will constitute an accident hazard. After hearing. The route followed by the oiler is protected in such manner as to prevent accident. Conveyor safety hazards are varied, and the most common type is contact with the moving belt or other parts. This clearance shall not exceed one-sixteenth inch. 7, 1996; 69 FR 31882, June 8, 2004; 76 FR 80739, Dec. 27, 2011; 77 FR 46949, Aug. 7, 2012; 78 FR 69550, Nov. 20, 2013]. All surrounding floors shall be kept in good condition and free from obstructions, grease, oil, and water. (11) Rivet making machines mean the same as upsetters and boltheaders when producing rivets with stock diameter of 1-inch or more. Certification/Validation Program Requirements. Where any portion of the train of gears guarded by a band guard is less than six (6) feet from the floor a disk guard or a complete enclosure to the height of six (6) feet shall be required. (D) The requirements for hand tools that may be used in the PSDI mode. 1910.67 Vehicle-mounted elevating and rotating work platforms. 553. To accomplish this, the machine spindle shall be made to nominal (standard) size plus zero minus .002 inch, and the wheel hole shall be made suitably oversize to assure safety clearance under the conditions of operating heat and pressure. 1910.163 Fixed extinguishing systems, water spray and foam. c. The test(s) specifications and procedures shall be made available upon request to the validation organization. The manufacturer shall design a set of integrated tests to demonstrate compliance with the following requirements: Sections 1910.217(h)(6) (ii); (iii); (iv); (v); (vi); (vii); (viii); (ix); (xi); (xii); (xiii); (xiv); (xv); and (xvii). (iii) The intensity of illumination conforms to the requirements of ANSI A11.1-1965 (R-1970), which is incorporated by reference as specified in 1910.6. This diagram shows the accepted safe openings between the bottom edge of a guard and feed table at various distances from the danger line (point of operation). Bearings. 1. (See Figures O-12 and O-13), (6) Swing frame grinders. Page 1 of 4 | Conveyor Hazards Safety Factsheet: Hazards of Conveyors Conveyors are used to transport materials . (i) Each continuous line of shafting shall be secured in position against excessive endwise movement. 1910.12 Construction work. Posts shall be not more than eight (8) feet apart; they are to be permanent and substantial, smooth, and free from protruding nails, bolts, and splinters.