(go back), 74Big US companies pushed to tally progress on racial justice, Yahoo! That movement, together with the disproportionate impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic have focused the attention of the media, the public and policy makers on systemic racism, racialized violence and inequities in employment, health care, and the criminal justice system. [69], Proponents contend that Racial Equity Audits would help public companies identify, prioritize, remedy and avoid adverse impacts on nonwhite stakeholders and communities of color [70] and would help a companys board of directors assess such companys behavior through a racial equity lens in order to obtain a complete picture of how it contributes to, and could help dismantle, systemic racism. [71]. The correlation between gender-balanced teams and improved decision-making, innovation and performance aligns with our core value Commit to Diversity and Inclusion. No major proxy advisory firm has issued official voting guidance on the implementation of Racial Equity Auditsand the two largest advisory firms, ISS and Glass Lewis, have been split on their support for shareholder proposals requesting such audits. Racial Equity Audit SOC Investment Group Hear their stories and learn about how they are redefining the terms of success. The activist investor nominated a slate of four director candidates with expertise operating energy companies and utilizing clean technology. The California legislature recognized the public desire to move towards greater diversity on public boards and codified set requirements. Votes on the Proposals at JP Morgan & Chase, Goldman Sachs and State Street will take place in the next few weeks. [120] Among these, the proposal for a Racial Equity Audit garnered the most support, with 44% of the votes cast on this proposal voting in favor. The Sustainable Investments Institute reports that 28 shareholder proposals dealing with racial justice had been included in proxy statements filed with the SEC as of April 27, 2021. . Our insightful research, advisory and investing capabilities give us unique and broad perspective on sustainability topics. Patagonias environmental mission hasnt just been good for the planet its also boosted the bottom line, Business Insider, Richard Feloni, December 21, 2018, available at https://www.businessinsider.com/patagonia-mission-environmentalism-good-for-business-2018-12. Dismissal and neglect of these concerns led to Engine No. For the sixth consecutive time, Morgan Stanley Bank has been recognized with the highest rating from the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency for its work meeting the credit needs of the communities it serves. hW[oSI+B"!vThKA}4J~-c2)75x>qfg\ Z2X$gp-78Yz|Z8X|^^_&fdrrv1s*Cj=Wo/y>?NW&xUJKW Wall Street Rejects Racial Equity Audits, While 'Supporting' BLM In light of the anticipated increase in the number of Racial Equity Audit proposals in the coming proxy seasons, we may see a corresponding rise in the number of companies that follow BlackRocks lead and voluntarily conduct their own Racial Equity Audits. From volatility and geopolitics to economic trends and investment outlooks, stay informed on the key developments shaping today's markets. New York State Common Retirement Fund et al. SEIU report slams BlackRock, Vanguard, Fidelity and State Street (go back), 97Citigroup Proxy Statement, supra note 69. (go back), 23Racial Equity Audits: A Critical Tool for Shareholders, CtW Investment Group, available at https://www.socinvestmentgroup.com/critical-tool-for-shareholders [hereinafter Webinar]. [11], ESG considerations are becoming increasingly relevant to shareholder activists. (go back), 120Amazon investors reject New York retirement funds call for a racial-equity audit, 10 other shareholder proposals, MarketWatch, Levi Sumagaysay, May 28, 2021, available at https://www.marketwatch.com/story/amazon-investors-reject-new-york-retirement-funds-call-for-a-racial-equity-audit-10-other-shareholder-proposals-11622242863. Services Employees International Union (SEIU), Unable to concur that Rule 14a-8(i)(7) provides a basis to exclude, Unable to concur that Rule 14a-8(i)(10) provides a basis to exclude, Unable to concur with exclusion on any of the bases asserted, Materially False and Misleading Exception (Vague or Indefinite). [137] The proposed Diversity and Inclusion Data Accountability and Transparency Act would require such audits by independent third parties of the subject companies policies and practices pertaining to civil rights, equity, diversity and inclusion. [138] The initial debates on the draft legislation also considered adding to the draft bill penalties for non-compliance, including fines of up to $20,000 a day for failure to engage in such audits. While Professing BLM Support, Wall Street Banks Reject Racial Equity Audits ARTICLE: Racial Equity Audits: A New ESG Initiative Poised to Gain [81], Rule 14a-8(i)(7) allows exclusion of proposals related to a companys ordinary business operations. Wells Fargo agrees to racial equity audit | American Banker Black Rock, the world's largest asset manager, is launching a racial audit at a request of a shareholder. A fiduciarys duty is to act in the best interest of their beneficiaries and traditionally translates to acting to obtain the highest return on investment, but it can be equally important that fiduciaries seek to minimize risk. The survey was conducted online among 76 venture capitalists who are almost exclusively leads or co-investors, with an average equity check size of $2.65 million. In 2007, the firm's co-founder, a former Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley banker named Divesh Makan, told a wealth management magazine that he'd even organized clients' parties and helped . Goldman Sachs And JPMorgan Look To Avoid Racial Equity Audits - Forbes (go back), 9ESG DisclosureKeeping Pace with Developments Affecting Investors, Public Companies and the Capital Markets, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, John Coates, March 11, 2021, available at https://www.sec.gov/news/public-statement/coates-esg-disclosure-keeping-pace-031121. https://www.sec.gov/rules/final/34-40018.htm (citing Reebok Intl Ltd. (Mar. (go back), 128SEIU and Change to Wins investment funds pushing for racial diversity in financial institutions, available at https://www.seiu.org/blog/2021/4/seiu-and-change-to-wins-investment-funds-pushing-for-racial-diversity-in-financial-institutions. [115] The companys environmental impact has also been called out for allegedly disproportionately affecting minority communities. The Black Leaders Forum brought together senior leaders from Wealth Management for targeted conversations, development and actions to achieve success. h247T0Pw/+Q0,H/-K-0 Morgan Stanley, ex-chief diversity officer end discrimination case (go back), 98Wells Fargo & Company, Notice of Annual Meeting and Proxy Statement, Schedule 14A, filed with the SEC on March 16, 2021, available at https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/72971/000119312521082907/d71313ddef14a.htm [hereinafter Wells Fargo Proxy Statement]. (go back), 67Google Pressured on Racial Equity Audit After AI Ethics Collapse, Bloomberg, Naomi Mix, April 27, 2021, available at https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2021-04-27/google-pressured-on-racial-equity-audit-after-ai-ethics-collapse; see also supra Section II.A. We leverage the full resources of our firm to help individuals, families and institutions reach their financial goals. Our work on racial equity focuses on our commitments as a business, as a responsible member of global and local communities, and as an inclusive workplace that values diversity. Amazon to conduct racial-equity audit led by former Attorney General Loretta Lynch. Citigroup, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan urge Clear guidance from proxy advisory firms would also be beneficial to companies considering implementing Racial Equity Audit policies by offering indications on what parameters constitute best practices and how frequently these audits should occur. May 2010 - Jul 20122 years 3 months. Andrew Santini on LinkedIn: I am very proud to announce that I have Beyond the moral case and business case for conducting Racial Equity Audits, and fighting systemic racism in general, is the democracy case espoused by social justice advocates [37] and that corporations can at times act more swiftly and have a more profound effect on current social issues than the government; therefore, these advocates argue that corporations have a responsibility to address issues affecting our democracy. Morgan Stanley (NYSE: MS) is a leading global financial services firm providing investment banking, securities, wealth management and investment management services. [109], Amazon argued the proposals call to review its impact on civil rights, equity, diversity and inclusion is a broad survey on the impact of the Companys policies, practices, products and services on societal issues, which implicates routine business issues, such as the products and services that the Company offers to its customers, the Companys business practices and operations, the Companys strategic decisions, and the Companys choice of technologies. [110] Similarly, according to Amazon, such an audit would necessarily implicate[] a multitude of ordinary business matters relating to the Companys day-to-day operations, which Amazon argued included decisions relating to, among other things, its charitable donations, hiring decisions, diversity and recruitment initiatives, customer relations, advertising, public relations and communications with its shareholders and the kinds of products it sold. Investing in underserved communities through our products, services, spending, business practices and thought leadership, Supporting underserved communities through philanthropy that drives more equitable outcomes, Attracting, developing and retaining individuals with diverse backgrounds and driving a culture of inclusion. (go back), 72Climate, ESG, and the Board of Directors: You Cannot Direct the Wind, But You Can Adjust Your Sails, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Commissioner Allison H. Lee, June 28, 2021, available at https://www.sec.gov/news/speech/lee-climate-esg-board-of-directors. The most recent and prominent example of the intersection between shareholder activism and ESG was the 2021 proxy contest at Exxon. Recently, a former head of global diversity at Morgan Stanley, a Black woman, sued the bank for discrimination. %PDF-1.6 % Morgan Stanley CEO moved by protests to promote two black staffers The $10 million Fund for Racial Equity builds upon more than $200 million Goldman Sachs has granted over the last decade to organizations serving . Goldman Sachs And JPMorgan Look To Avoid Racial Equity Audits (go back), 102Shareholder-Advisory Firms Take Opposing Views on Racial Audits, Bloomberg Law, Saijel Kishan, April 17, 2021, available at https://news.bloomberglaw.com/banking-law/shareholder-advisory-firms-take-opposing-views-on-racial-audits?context=article-related (quoting Glass Lewis). 333 0 obj <>stream In doing so, these companies have argued that they have already taken measures to address racial justice, such as investing in Black entrepreneurs, expanding credit and working to boost diversity within their ranks. [75]. (go back), 100Goldman Sachs Proxy Statement, supra note 35. Wells Fargo plans to conduct a racial equity audit, asking an outside law firm to assess the bank's workforce diversity and determine how its business practices are affecting communities of color. [10] On the other hand, it has been found that companies that affirmatively adopt meaningful approaches to these issues may not only help progress environmental and societal goals, but may also potentially see improved financial performance. [14], ISS and others have published a number of reports that have found that addressing social and environmental concerns correlates with companies either currently experiencing or having the potential to experience increased growth and profitability. At Morgan Stanley, giving back is a core valuea central part of our culture globally. The $1.9 trillion-asset bank has hired the law firm Covington & Burling to conduct the review and plans . [24] However, many advocates believe that without objective means to identify areas of improvement and monitor companies progress, these commitments may be illusory and confirmation that these companies have in fact met their commitments could be difficult. [21] Most shareholder activists are cognizant of the stance of institutional investors and proxy advisory firms on ESG issues and have increasingly incorporated ESG factors into their proxy campaigns. [116] Comptroller DiNapoli expressed concern with Amazons alleged lack of transparency, stating that while the company has put policies in place to address this issue, it has not reported to investors the effectiveness or the process for completing its ongoing policy review. [117] In 2020, Amazon conducted its first human rights assessment, which it referenced to support its position that there was no need to conduct a Racial Equity Audit. [44] Advocates of Racial Equity Audits believe that they are essentially intended to be implemented in furtherance of risk management and risk tolerance, criteria that fiduciaries may choose to measure in order to protect their investments. According to certain proponents, the point of a Racial Equity Audit is not necessarily to critique a companys current platforms and efforts. Internal Audits Role in Driving Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Amy Fread, CISA Senior Manager Deloitte & Touche LLP Korynne Bernard . Importantly, the proposals encourage an internal and external review, looking at human capital management but also the products and services companies offer, along with their philanthropic and political contributions. Equity Audits Address Racism in the Workplace - SHRM Amongst the various ESG developments gaining traction in the markets is the recent push by shareholders for companies to conduct Racial Equity Audits, which generally consist of an objective investigation into a companys practices, policies and histories to determine such companys impact on social issues and areas for improvement. endstream endobj 335 0 obj <>stream We have global expertise in market analysis and in advisory and capital-raising services for corporations, institutions and governments. [41] A study by a Citigroup, Inc. (Citi) global economist found that addressing racial disparities can have even broader macro benefits. See how you can continue your career journey at Morgan Stanley. (go back), 116See How Amazons Emissions are Hurting Communities of Color, Amazon Employees for Climate Justice, May 26, 2020, available at https://amazonemployees4climatejustice.medium.com/environmental-justice-and-amazons-carbon-footprint-9e10fab21138; Amazon workers demand end to pollution hitting people of color hardest, NBC News, April Gleiser and Leticia Miranda, May 24, 2021, available at https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/amazon-shareholders-demand-end-pollution-hitting-people-color-hardest-n1268413. [i]f CEO Jeff Bezos shares (70,616,270 shares, 14%) were to be removed from those voting against it, the proposal received majority support. [122]. Will Corporations Deliver Value to All Stakeholders? [126] The resolution included in SEIUs proposal also noted that: A 2020 report on proxy voting found that BlackRock did not use its clout as a significant owner to advance racial justice. called upon to navigate the challenges presented by climate change, racial injustice, economic inequality, and numerous other issues that are fundamental to the success and sustainability of companies, financial markets, and our economy. [72] After the May 2020 killing of George Floyd, 66% of S&P 500 companies posted statements on their websites or social media accounts, 36% made financial contributions to racial justice organizations and 14% stated in their communications that Black Lives Matter. [73] While it has been observed that these companies were quick to issue statements supporting Black Lives Matter and promis[ed] to do more to be responsive to non-white consumers, employees and communities, [74] most companies on the receiving end of a Rule 14a-8 proposal to implement a Racial Equity Audit have actively resisted such proposal by seeking no-action relief from the SEC to exclude the proposal from their 2021 proxy statements, negotiating with proponents to withdraw their proposals, and, when the company had been unsuccessful with the foregoing, recommending that shareholders vote against the proposals. This post is based on an Olshan memorandum by Mr. Berenblat, Ms. Gonzalez-Sussman,Claudia B. Dubn, Rebecca L. Van Derlaske, Ian A. Engoron, and Sarah R. Matchett. (go back), 46Best ESG Funds: High-Rated and Low-Cost Options, NerdWallet, Alana Benson, May 9, 2021, available at https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/investing/best-esg-funds. (go back), 35The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc., 2021 Notice of Annual Meeting and Proxy Statement, Schedule 14A, filed with the SEC on March 19, 2021, available at https://www.sec.gov/Archives/edgar/data/886982/000119312521087020/d88664ddef14a.htm [hereinafter Goldman Sachs Proxy Statement]. (go back), 18BlackRock Investment Stewardship, Proxy voting guidelines for U.S. securities, BlackRock, effective January 2021, available at https://www.blackrock.com/corporate/literature/fact-sheet/blk-responsible-investment-guidelines-us.pdf. If a company lags behind in this quickly developing area, we believe shareholders may become more willing to launch shareholder campaigns focused on ESG issues, including demanding objective results through Racial Equity Audits. Gorman has also tapped Reid to build Morgan Stanley's new Institute of Inclusion group to promote diversity within Morgan Stanley, which he will chair. In this way legislatures and/or regulatory authorities have the ability to serve as the catalyst for change and wider-reaching adoption by forcing companies that might have been unlikely or slow to act on their own to adopt such policies. Multicultural and women entrepreneurs are the cutting-edge leaders of businesses that power markets. ; see also Human Rights, Amazon, available at https://sustainability.aboutamazon.com/people/human-rights?workerCount=true&engagementProgram=true&productCategory=true. [121] Comptroller DiNapoli described the vote as an immense success for a first-time proposal . Andrew Santini LinkedIn: I am very proud to announce that I have been - March 24, 2022. Resolutions were withdrawn at BlackRock, CoreCivic, Morgan Stanley and Amgen based on their commitments to conduct internal audits. At Morgan Stanley, advancing racial equity is about intentional, holistic change at the intersection of what we do, who we are and how we engage our communities. The investigation will be conducted by attorneys at Covington & Burling, according to an external blog post on Citi's website. A Racial Equity Audit is, at its core, an independent, objective and holistic analysis of a company's policies, practices, products, services and efforts to combat systemic racism in order to end discrimination within or exhibited by the company with respect to its customers, suppliers or other stakeholders. [49], Practitioners also stress the importance of auditors using the right methodology, including both quantitative and qualitative methods, and for such auditors to review not only information provided by the company but to gather its own information. In SEC filings,. (go back), 21Cal. S7-11-19, available at https://www.sec.gov/rules/final/2020/33-10825.pdf; New Human Capital Disclosure Requirements, Harvard Law School Forum on Corporate Governance, Margaret Engel, February 6, 2021, available at https://corpgov.law.harvard.edu/2021/02/06/new-human-capital-disclosure-requirements/. These three employees, alums of Historically Black Colleges and Universities, are helping the firm support the next generation of Black students through our Morgan Stanley HBCU Scholars Program. Morgan Stanley Wealth Management has launched a Racial Equity Investing Tool Kit as part of its Investing with Impact Platform to help investors who want to advance the goals of racial. Morgan Stanley and its former chief diversity officer, Marilyn Booker, reached a deal Friday to end the lawsuit Booker brought last year against the bank and two of its executives, alleging "race and gender discrimination, retaliation and unequal pay." We live that commitment through long-lasting partnerships, community-based delivery and engaging our best assetMorgan Stanley employees. The decision to retain an independent . Corp. Code 301.3, 301.4. Racial equity audit votes At least 19 proposals calling for a racial equity audit at S&P 500 companies garnered an average of 44% support among shareholders last year, an increase from. [141]. While we witnessed an increase in shareholder proposals related to Racial Equity Audits in the 2021 proxy season, all such proposals were either withdrawn or defeated. Amazon to conduct racial-equity audit led by former Attorney General Washington, D.C. Our Impact-Risk-Profitability (IRP) framework will guide us to deeper and more intentional impact. New York, NY. BlackRock Breaks Wall Street Ranks With Planned Racial Audit Amid a pandemic and social unrest, we gathered senior multicultural business leaders to focus on the challenges and opportunities of this indelible moment in history. [123], While the financial institutions that have received Racial Equity Audit proposals have recently made philanthropic and strategic investments, along with other commitments to racial equity, CtW has stated that the only way to effectively address racial injustice and economic inequality is careful study of how the industrys products and services have contributed to this imbalance, [124] which includes analyzing mortgage issuances, the number of bank branches in minority neighborhoods or banking deserts and whether charitable contributions are fully aligned with .
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