dmitry orlov interview

So true, Nightingale, and Academia in the US, in its peer-reviewed glory, has given most Americans precisely zero information about Russia. Yet, in the face of these disasters, the regime and the Rightwing propaganda machine and hate-media still are infested with outright denialists, who assert that climate science is fraudulent. Your navy would be loathe to sail into foreign waters knowing that they could be sunk without so much as a chance to fire back. SSSR is dead. With the Wests ruling psychopaths seething quite correctly with hatred and contempt of their home populations, the latter will indeed suffer a collapse of their societies once the Elites decide to pull the flush. American world order itself are premised upon their own ruthless exploitation of the Global South and developing nations in general. [1] Orlov believes collapse will be the result of huge military budgets, government deficits, an unresponsive political system and declining oil production. That was a mighty interesting and at times amusing read. Hes way too negative on the USAs domestic prospects. It must be remembered that the Ukrainians, in spite of the decay of the last 30 years, still have something of the Russian fighting spirit in them, and will fight like Russiansuntil victory or until death. No arm-twisting, bribery or other persuasion has been able to force a single sale. , , -. Probably Mr. Putin is the transition element between the old Russia and the new Russia. It manufactured numerous high-tech products such as jet aircraft, marine diesels, helicopter engines, rocket engines and much else that was the best in the world. 2007-present. Under Mao, despite natural disasters and political mistakes, China grew economically at about 10%p.a, but from the lowest base imaginable ie after 150 years of malevolent Western interference, Opium Wars, the Taiping Rebellion, Civil Wars and the genocidal assault of the Japanese Imperial butchers. I sell a homeless street magazine to survive, as its my only income, being a New Zealand citizen living in Australia. > Quotes. To be sure, what is meant by democracy in this case is simply the ability to execute orders issued from Washington; inability to do so would make Ukraine an authoritarian regime or a dictatorship and subject to regime change. But short of that, nothing matters. BREAKING: Defining Moment for Putin: Stand up to US/Israel Empire of Chaos, or Fold? Maybe even horribly. Which is what I would do if I werent old, broken, and broke. All of these fake votes went to Poroshenko, allowing him to slither through to the second round. It is one thing for such thoughts to be expressed by a little-known blogger; it is quite another for them to be voiced by the long-standing leader of a world superpower at a very prestigious and well-attended international forum. 9:12 a.m. Eastern Daylight Saving Time, These coal miners, factory workers and cab drivers have been spending days and nights in the trenches for years now, holding back one of Europes larger militaries, and fighting for every square meter of their soil. All the original content published on this blog is licensed by Saker Analytics, LLC under the Creative Commons CC-BY-SA 4.0 International license ( Kharkov and Odessa? The hubris of the exceptional nation never before having their mainland attacked will make them think they can prevail under any circumstance. fires in the dead of winter, bleaching of the Norfolk Island coral reefs (the most southerly)and mass fish deaths in our one major river system, the Murray-Darling. What that animal looks like is being discussed by groups lead by people influenced by Etienne Chouard and is something the modern western world has never seen before. In this segment of my interview with engineer and writer Dmitry Orlov, I ask Dmitry to provide an overview of the ongoing collapse of the United States empire on the geopolitical, economic, and political fronts, since our first interview recorded and released last year. provide. I met one guy who was a bit more enterprising. Thanks Dmitry and Andrei for this uncompromising piece of Orlovian clarity. Even applied for charity fundraising jobs. Insightful, and amusing, viewpoint on the American situation. Its day to day institutions, such as courts, post offices and the like function better now than they did in the 80s or 90s. for is a way to ennoble our suffering, not to cheapen it with vulgar Christian Husbands, Ditch the 'Honey Do' List! The people are as good as anywhere, but only as trained as their culture tells them to be. Two more crosses are for St. Petrov and St. Boshirov, the intrepid Witnesses to the It was successful from their point of view. They are of a new breed of thoroughly professional career politicians with up-to-date managerial skills. Vierotchka, thanks for pointing out the Khrushchev was not Ukrainian. Is it not always a good idea to analyze? We also dont want the Europe of Conchita Wurst infecting the Russian nation. By Diane Doyle With Dmitry Orlov's arrival, who will be the odd man out on the Bruins Russia in particular has zero use for any arrogant, self-worshipping trash babbling about their European values and Exceptional Indispensable Country. They allready proven to be completely nuts, irrational and unable of any rational thinking. Following his cautionary analysis on the increasing tension between the US/NATO and Russia, Chris interview Dmitry Orlov this week about the potential likelihood for actual direct conflict to break out between the world powers.. Orlov was born and raised in Leningrad in the former Soviet Union and immigrated to the United States in the mid 70s, He has spent the past several decades traveling . These provisions on what rights Donbass should have were formulated by German Chancellor Angela Merkel personally, among others, but her ward has got out of hand. It would be useless against Russia, but it can pose a credible threat of violence against the occupied populations. History shows that the genie is out of the bottle and will be used at some point in time. Court finds Yanukovich not guilty of losing Crimea attorney 23, 1991. Why? Or continue to worship your Pope and believe in idiotic stories like Fatima and see how well that all ends up. The other campaign is in the South China Sea. I listen to The John Batchelor every week, he is not anti Russian at all, if anything he believes his country has lost the plot. At age 14 he moved with his family to the Ukrainian mining town of Yuzovka, where he apprenticed as a metalworker and performed other odd jobs. This is a typical kind of meme that gets spread through repetition and is used to explainn a lot of things that actually require other explanations. NATOs gender-ambivalent military technicians would not want to get in their way at all. I look forward to a spring news letter from Auslander? Some people would rather die than to be humiliated. Biggest winners and losers of the NHL Trade Deadline He reasons based upon the assumption that the US is run by logical people, and also by illogical people. This would invalidate the entire election and leave Poroshenko in charge until the next one. Make snippets of Dmoney talking to create audio highlights to share with your friends or embed in related blog posts. The Saker: What about the EU and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe? There is no mention of the biggest US export business, Boeing aircraft. Second, the Ukraine is a rich source of immigrants, having lost around a third of its population since independence. Those who are breathing air and not water can rightfully enjoy the company of these others, even though many of those others might lately be breathing an air-water mixture and perhaps even oneself. We have seen huge fires in sub-tropical rain-forests (unknown since White settlement), in temperate rain forests and alpine meadows in Tasmania (also previously unseen, probably for hundreds of years, at least). I hoped to have a more in depth overview of these atrocities against western population from his point of view. They are both entitled Duped. We no longer have that safety valve with the current Neocon barkers. Do the Europeans deserve what is coming to them next? This is as expected: the technosphere's most potent technologies are its killing technologies, and the way it goes about using them reflects its profound hatred for all living things, especially the willful and hard to control ones. I used to think I had my own thoughts on Ukraine and inequality/European politics. Lather, rinse, repeat. investigative report by J. Haek, Bellingcat. The main advantages the US has on this score are its mass surveillance system, policing infrastructure and media. If anyone believes theres no class system in Australia, theyre wrong. This was done by falsifying as many votes as was necessary. Comprehensive representation of the current givens. These old European nations are all aging out, not just in terms of demographics but in terms of the maximum age allotted by nature to any given ethnos. Since Im fairly connected to the lower/working class and its struggles in my part of the world I can assure you people almost enjoy suffering to a degree that foreigners easily miss and seldom ascribe it to the thieves and criminals who run our society. Orlov, issued No. Their fear afterwards prevents additional outbreaks and it removes social/mental defectives from the gene pool. Much appreciated, thanks for your reply Auslander. But, as Ive said before, the USA isnt so much a country as a country club. The US media can make the great bulk of the people believe absolutely anything. His parents, Sergei Khrushchev and Xeniya Khrushcheva, were poor peasants of Russian origin. The thing is that there are so many constant annoyances with living in the USA that one would be glad never to have to deal with again!! Dmitry Orlov (ice hockey) (born 1991), Russian professional ice hockey player Dmitry Orlov (writer) (born 1962), Russian-American engineer and a writer Dmitri Olegovich Orlov (born 1966), Russian mathematician Dmitry Moor, born Dmitry Stakhievich Orlov, Russian artist noted for his propaganda posters In this fascinating interview, Russian-American author and journalist Dmitry Orlov discusses the impending US collapse and the Russian view on what he refers to as "the apocalyptic climate cult," Biden's meeting with Putin, Klaus Schwab and the Great Reset, the impending cyber wars, geoengineering and the Russian closed cycle nuclear program. Dmitry Orlov - Archive. Western sanctions hurting the West more than Russia. Not for a very long time. At first, I didnt grasp the profound correctness in Orlovs assessment to the effect that Russias stunning success this century once the Wests kleptocracy under Gorbachev and Yeltsin got ousted is because it doesnt have to feed any ungrateful slobs of which the Ukros are the very finest breed. It isnt fiscally or monetarily healthy. Somebody wants us all dead. tends to become affected: the anal sphincter relaxes, sometimes The connection Those who are most compatible with the Russian world tend to move to Russia while the rest go to Poland and other EU countries. Jan 7, 2023. The collapse of the United States seems about as unlikely now as the collapse of the Soviet Union seemed in 1985. If anyone thinks that is unimaginable Dr. Strangelove fictional slapstick dark humour then have a read of Command and Control: Nuclear Weapons, the Damascus Accident, and the Illusion of Safety. by Eric Schlosser. You agree not to use the Service in order to post, upload, transmit or otherwise disseminate information of any material that infringes the copyright, trademark, patent, trade secret, or other right of any party. The whole idea is to kill the bastards. "They will also tell you how far along we are along the depletion curve; the optimists among them will even claim that there is nothing to worry about, because we have two or three decades of production left at the current level. Even in Russia it took close to a decade to thwart the political power and influence of the oligarchy. Dmitry-Orlov+Wade-Davis - THING The level of delusion and manipulation among the general public is truely astonishing. Interview on Radio Voice America - LewRockwell An Android App has been developed by one of our supporters. Yes, these I do expect, leading to the break up of the US. The political chattering class(es) will soon be caught out for the demonic, vacuous, ignorant fools they are, all over the world. lagopus. euphemisms. 1. Katherine. After the Soviet collapse and Ukrainian independence there followed a campaign to de-Sovietize and de-Russianize the Ukraine, deprecating this common historical legacy and replacing it with a synthetic Ukrainian identity based on a falsified history that is alien to most of the population. The inevitable result was that most of the other Soviet republics were able to suck resources out of Russia, making them far more prosperous than Russia itself. If the Ukrainians continue to surrender unconditionally while placating themselves with pipe dreams of EU/NATO membership, the country will depopulate, the land will be sold off to Western agribusiness, and it will become a sort of agricultural no mans land guarded by NATO troops. If you want to contact me, my email address is my first name dot my last name at gmail. His salary is comprised of $2,000,000 in signing bonuses and $1,300,000 in base salary. Dmitry Orlov, Garnet Hathaway were 'real good' in Bruins debuts, says coach