famous radio personalities 1940s

100 Famous Actresses of Hollyood's Golden Era (1930-1959) - IMDb Amos: Well, whut you goin' do 'bout it? Lord Baden Powell (1857 - 1941) British Founder of scout movement. As early as 1939, Germany began hiring expatriate Americans to host radio programs aimed at deterring U.S. intervention in the war. Rush Limbaugh is one of the most prominent conservative voices in the U.S. and has been for quite some time. "Too Many Problems," an episode of the situation comedy series Father Knows Best, starring Robert Young; airdate November 2, 1950. National laws are needed to complete that program. These well-funded productions were high quality with a great deal of planning, classic scripts, and major stars and they attracted large audiences. New York: Free Press, 1996. Composer Irving Berlin complained that Americans were becoming listeners rather than singers. Outside of the United States, the world was in a state of flux. Woburn, MA: Butterworth-Heinemann, 2001. Some radio performers had teams of writers preparing jokes for them. BILLCOY BILLCODY BILL CODY. After Hurt died of a heart attack in 1946, he was replaced by another white actor, Bob Corley, and the series was retitled The Beulah Show. By 1944 it had been renamed the American Broadcasting Company (ABC). Vintage airchecks from the 1950s to the 1990s is a directory of other sites. Millions of Americans listened to his weekly radio broadcast. Bolino, August C. From Depression to War: American Society in Transition1939. Here are 100 popular actresses who were very famous at some point during the golden era of Hollywood, the 1930's through the 1940's. They are not listed in any particular order. Boston, MA: Little, Brown & Co., 1993. All over the world the potential of radio was quickly realized. Broadcasting Freedom: Radio, War and the Politics of Race, 19381948. Over flagship station WEAF in New York City, announcer Graham McNamee presided over the inaugural broadcast; guest stars included humourist Will Rogers, speaking from Independence, Kansas, and opera star Mary Garden, singing from Chicago. As increasing poverty made many other forms of entertainment prohibitively expensive, America's reliance on radio grew. Roosevelt would use radio to not only lobby for public support of his programs, but also to inform the public of important events and perhaps most importantly reassure the public through his unique personal character that faith in the future was warranted. In 1936 she donned her soon-to-be-famous sarong for her debut at Paramount, The Jungle Princess (1936), and . Joseph Stalin (1879 - 1953) Leader of Soviet Union 1924 - 1953. Bruccoli, Mathrew J. and Richard Layman. The conventional, amplitude modulation (AM) form of radio signal proved limiting in broadcasting, producing much static at times. His Fireside Chats have been considered some of the first forms of managed news. The Radio Act of 1927 created a confusing array of federal agencies to oversee the growing industry. 7.4 Radio's Impact on Culture - Understanding Media and Culture The most famous radio personality in Cleveland history, and a pioneer of early rock 'n' roll. 1940s radio show hi-res stock photography and images - Alamy Amos: Yeahif I hadn't been thinkin' 'bout goin' to Chicago den, I'd of got de mil in de buck a' right. "Sam Bass," an episode of the western series Death Valley Days; airdate August 27, 1936. As for WLS and WCFL and their deejays, Kittleson sums it up simply by saying, "Good stuff. Most online reference entries and articles do not have page numbers. By the start of the 1940s, most of the best-known radio shows came from Hollywood. A band remote broadcast of Benny Goodman and his orchestra, with vocalist Martha Tilton, from the Madhattan Room of the Hotel Pennsylvania, New York City; airdate November 4, 1937. Boston: Little, Brown, 1969. The original radio show, co-starring Lucille Ball, was the initial basis for what evolved into the groundbreaking TV sitcom I Love Lucy. William Powell and Myrna Loy performed "The Thin Man" and Clark Gable and Claudette Colbert performed "It Happened One Night." By Amie Tennant. A pioneer in radio, Kaltenborn was first on the air in 1921 and by the 1930s he was a regular newscaster reporting on the Spanish Civil War in 1936. On radios musical front, the National Broadcasting Company established its own symphony orchestra, led by Italian conductor Arturo Toscanini. Radios were in almost every house and some Americans even had radios in their cars. Radio producers experimented with different ways to deliver the news. (1942), co-starring Ray Milland and Betty Field.My Favorite Husband began on CB, Marie Wilson best known *by me* as playing Irma in My Friend Irma, created by writer-director-producer Cy Howard, was a top-rated, long-run radio situation comedy, so popular in the late 1940s that its success escalated to films, television, a comic strip and a comic book, while Howard scored with another radio comedy hit, Life with Luigi. When his career began in the 1970's he was fired from multiple radio stations because as a news commentator he was seen as too controversial. On site to report on the Hindenburg's voyage, instead the reporter's response to the tragedy was recorded and later broadcast, bringing the horror into thousands of living rooms. In 1933 you and I knew that we must never let our economic system get completely out of joint againthat we could not afford to take the risk of another great depression. In this way radio was an excellent form of escapism during the particularly tough period when the public was greatly affected by the Great Depression. Variety shows lampooned racial preconceptions, theater on the air challenged ideas of war and peace, and comedies provided a humorous critique of Middle American values. Radio entertainment played on the imagination of the listeners by creating visions of the action and characters portrayed. Many of the comic-strip-based programs that became popular radio shows during the Golden Age of Radio are still part of American culture at the start of the twenty-first century. To complete our program of protection in time, therefore, we cannot delay one moment in making certain that our National Government has power to carry through. Within the Cite this article tool, pick a style to see how all available information looks when formatted according to that style. 3. The radio industry wrestled with the government over issues of diversifying ownership and over licensing of AM and FM frequencies. RM2HJCMA2 - Dr. Seuss (1904-1991) sketching Clifton Fadiman (1904-1999) as the Cat in the Hat. (Tone. Paley and his network worked with many of the major stars of the decade, including Jack Benny, Al Jolson, Kate Smith and Bing Crosby. Colbert provided an escape for the women of the nation toiling under difficult economic conditions. Air Personalities - WSM Radio Sound effects are an important part of communicating drama and comedy over the radio. Initially a supporter of President Roosevelt and his New Deal programs, Coughlin became disillusioned and turned into a fierce critic. So you would never be famous. Movies. The play takes its name from the phone number that New Yorkers could dial in the 1930s to get the accurate time. A new era in radio dawned with this broadcast. Born Benjamin Kubelsky, comedian and musician Jack Benny became an American phenomenon. Disc Jockeys - Encyclopedia of Chicago The radio had become such an integral part of the lives of Americans that it instigated panic throughout the country. Radio provided a huge and attentive audience, but it also provided unique demands. Powerful gossip columnist Louella Parsonswhose show, Hollywood Hotel, debuted on CBS in October 1934surmounted this fee by inducing top film stars to appear on her program for free. Individual or local or state effort alone cannot protect us in 1937 any better than ten years ago. The fireside chats were crucial to unifying the country during a difficult time and set a standard for communications by future presidents. Two types of music were banned when Adolph Hitler came to power in Germany in 1933: swing and jazz. "Radio 1929-1941 Read; Edit; View history; More. (Virtually all broadcasts during radios peak years were in AM, or amplitude modulation.). Although he was wary of television, he made the transition with See It Now the first television newsmagazine. This reflected the migration of black Americans from Southern rural areas to Northern industrial centers. A refinement of this was created by another company, C.E. famous radio personalities 1940s - isgho-sup.com Radio became so popular during the Depression that some psychologists grew concerned over the increasing amount of time and attention spent listening to radio. ERICMARCUM ERIC MARCUM. Watkins, T.H. William S. Paley (19011990). In the beginning of the 1930s most Americansincluding President Rooseveltshared the view that the conflict was someone else's. National Radio Day: Black Stations, DJs, Pioneers Who Shaped - NewsOne October 1999. During American radio's Golden Age, much of the programming heard by listeners was controlled by advertising agencies . Others, however, disappeared from the airwaves. Inventing American Broadcasting 18991922. . Variety shows included a range of entertainment including music, singing, dancing, and comedy. German Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels was reportedly very sensitive to the enormous impact that radio could have. On live band remotes carried from ballrooms in New York City and Chicago, big bands led by the likes of Artie Shaw, Benny Goodman, and Tommy Dorsey played popular dance music for listeners around the country. Davies, Alan. The hot drink Ovaltine and "Little Orphan Annie" were partners for many years. Fred Allen (born John Florence Sullivan, May 31, 1894 March 17, 1956) was an American comedian whose absurdist, topically pointed radio show (19321949) made him one of the most popular and forward-looking humorists in the so-called classic era of American radio. Naperville, IL: Sourcebooks, 1998. In 1947 he becomes a player for the Dodgers. Top 10 Famous People from Idaho - Discover Walks Blog The show is notable for being the first sitcom to star an African American actress.Originally portrayed by white actor Marlin Hurt*pictured*, Beulah Brown first appeared in 1939 when Hurt introduced and played the character on the Hometown Incorporated radio series and in 1940 on NBC radio's Show Boat series. famous radio personalities 1940s religious interview questions and answers sharleen spiteri ashley heath . Given the impacts of the Great Depression on the average citizen's entertainment budget, it seemed that everyone in America turned to radio for entertainment in the 1930s. London and Chapel Hill, NC: University of North Carolina Press, 1999. WSM Radio - Air Personalities. His plan was to make radios affordable and to bring music into the home by way of wireless technology. The growth in radio provided a large audience for various voices in cultural and political criticism. The Public Papers and Addresses of Franklin D. Roosevelt: 1937 Volume. Here is their schedule for September 21, 1939 (from Old-Time Radio. Now the mass produced goods could be promoted through the mass media for mass consumption. Dame Penelope Keith represents King at funeral of Kit Hesketh-Harvey The Shadow, a crime drama, also had a loyal following. The military government tried to capture the main radio stations with little success. One study showed that more than 15 million Americans listened to Coughlin each month, and more than half of them approved of what he said. On November 15, 1926, NBC made its debut over 19 stations extending from the East Coast to Kansas City, Missouri. "The Keys of the Kingdom," an episode of the motion-picture adaptation series Academy Award Theater, starring Gregory Peck; airdate August 21, 1946. For example candidates for public office must be treated equally and sponsors must be identified. "Watch on the Rhine," an episode of the motion-picture adaptation series Academy Award Theater, starring Paul Lukas; airdate August 7, 1946. 1. Henry Ford (1863 - 1947) US Industrialist. This is Jocko" was one of Doug "Jocko" Henderson's signature phrases on the radio when he worked for WDAS in Philadelphia back in the 1950s-70s. In . Previously, Simmons was a radio and television personality for Indianapolis' WHHH-FM. As censorship became stricter toward the end of the 1930s, the networks ruled that there could be no more jokes about nudity. Many Philadelphia DJs became celebrities, actively engaged and influential in . He built the first radio te, Ryle, Martin The Adventures of Maisie (aka Maisie) was a radio comedy series starring Ann Sothern as underemployed entertainer Maisie Ravier, a spin-off of Sothern's successful 1939-1947 Maisie movie series. Murrow's broadcasts during the Battle of Britain were often accompanied by air raid sirens or bomb explosions. From the old Oak Grove Hotel to the present day studios on 2nd Avenue and 7th Street, WCCO has brought Minnesota and Upper Midwest radio listeners big news stories and major events . Hardships of the Great Depression increased hatred toward racial minorities by society in general. One bright spot was the exciting explosion of radio programming. Therefore, that information is unavailable for most Encyclopedia.com content. British husband-and-wife actors Ronald Colman (1891-1958) and Benita Hume (1906-1967) starred in both versions of the show. The tally resulted in an estimate of the number of people listening to a particular show; a rating of 14.2 meant that out of 100 people called, 14.2 were listening to a particular program at the time of the call. The Great American Broadcast: A Celebration of Radio's Golden Age. In 1934 WXYZ joined with the powerful 50,000-watt stations WLW in Cincinnati, WOR in New York, and WGN in Chicago to form the Quality Group, an association that was soon rechristened the Mutual Broadcasting System. June 25, 2020. Andy: Come on over yere wid me. Early Radio and the beginning of TV - Historic - Memphis Jackie died on October 24, 1972 in Stanford . Golden Age of Black Radio - Part 1: The Early Years In 1895 Guglielmo Marconi became the first person to communicate by sending radio signals through the air. Father Charles Edward Coughlin (18911979). That is some serious growth! Famous People. A few cities or states operated stations as government services. The U.S. Congress became concerned that one company would control too much of the media in any one town. It was almost too late . Eighty-five percent of network daytime programming was soap operasserial dramas portraying the lives of a varied cast of characters. 1. Tonight, sitting at my desk in the White House, I make my first radio report to the people in my second term of office. Radio not only widened the scope of Americans past their own communities, it brought the events of the world into their homes. Andy: Yere's de well right yere. Edward R. Murrow (19081965). Programming turned political when Pres. Jean Colbert (?1995). For example, newspapers were still more a local and regional form of information sharing. At a time when many could feel isolated in their struggle against the effects of the Depression, radio provided a community of experience. Arthur Bernard Leaner was a professional radio DJ and record label owner that broke significant ground for Black music in Chicago between 1940 . Many peopleespecially womenlooked to soap operas for advice on how to deal with the situations life presented to them. Han' me dat bucket. William S. Paley became president of the Columbia Broadcasting System (CBS) on September 25, 1928, two days before his 27th birthday, and he would lead the network for more than 60 years. A 1939 poll indicated almost one-fourth of the population usually listened to the chats while almost 40 percent sometimes listened, adding up to almost 65 percent of the population. *loved them when they would guest star on the Jack Benny show!*. #4 of 38 on. Franklin D. Roosevelt used radio to talk directly to Americans in his fireside chats. News events such as the Lindbergh baby kidnapping and the Hindenburg disaster captured the nations attention. He played for the Brooklyn Dodgers and was born Jan. 31, 1919 in Cairo, GA. While classical music was important to the success of early radio, not everyone liked the side effects. Touch device users, explore by touch or with swipe gestures. Let us know if you have suggestions to improve this article (requires login). After tackling various pursuits in his young life, including time as a vaudevillian dancer, Winchell became a famous news commentator and gossipmonger, drawing millions of listeners during the Great Depression. Broadcasting Magazine, July 1, 1934 Networks competed to hire famous conductors, orchestras, and soloists. talks in 1938, reportingcorrectlythat Munich was a "complete victory for Hitler." An outstanding comedic duo, the show was a huge success providing many laughs to the American audiences during the Great Depression and later made the transition to television. Adolf Hitler in Germany used radio to further his goals. Another firm that measured audience response was the A.C. Nielsen Co., which provided thousands of listeners with a mechanical device called an audiometer. As the Great Depression deepened in the United States and around the world in the early 1930s, reliance on radio increased. Fred W. Kaltenbach. Similarly Father Coughlin promoted anti-Semitic and pro-Hitler positions on the radio. In response the Communications Act of 1934, one of the regulatory foundations of Roosevelt's New Deal, which was a group of policies focused on relief and reform, provided for the establishment of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). In 1922 he introduced the Radiola, for $75, and made radio a household appliance. HYLAND: An innocent boy is going to die in one minute. Licenses for Edwin Armstrong's "static-free" frequency modulation (FM) concept of radio transmission were first granted in 1940-41. Americans were spending so much time listening to radio that some child development specialists worried that children would be harmed from the activity. The most famous radio show was the Lux Radio Theater, which was performed live on stage in front of a studio audience. Paley developed and ran the CBS radio and television networks. Roosevelt believed he needed to keep close contact with the American people given the severe hardships many were suffering through the Great Depression and ensuring as much support as possible for his New Deal programs. Frequency modulation (FM) was introduced in which static interference was much less. Amos: When I tell Mister Hopkins dat I lost half de milk, he goin' git mad wid me. Later a film and television star, Burns contributed greatly to the development of the early sitcom. Later recorded music was regularly broadcast, and radio stations had a series of continuing battles with ASCAP (American Society of Composers, Authors, and Publishers) over how to charge fees for playing recorded music that had copyrights. Black Radio | AAAMC - Indiana University Bloomington The genres and stars of the 1930s became the genres and stars of television in the 1950s. He built the first radio te Martin Sir Ryle, Ryle, Martin RYLE, MARTIN (b. My watch stopped I'll get it. "The First Radio War: Broadcasting in the Spanish Civil War, 19361939." She was an ink artist and wife to Walt Disney. The disc jockey became important in Chicago radio during the 1930s, well before the term "disc jockey" was coined in the 1940s. While some programs were more adult, some programs were specifically designed to appeal to children, such as "Jack Armstrong, All American Boy." Radio stations in nearby Morocco and the Canary Islands broadcasted in support of the rebels, and rebel resistance grew. The Golden Age of American radio as a creative medium lasted, at best, from 1930 to 1955, with the true peak period being the 1940s. Retrieved February 22, 2023 from Encyclopedia.com: https://www.encyclopedia.com/education/news-and-education-magazines/radio-1929-1941. was concerned about service to rural areas, competition in the communications industry, and recent technological advances. Radio became the primary media for entertainment and, increasingly, for information. In 1947 Jackie Robinson became the first black to play Major League Baseball. They feared that the exchange of ideas and clash of opinions essential to democracy would be compromised. Kaltenborn (18781965). The radio as a form of entertainment grew in popularity in the 1920s United States. "Blondie," "Gasoline Alley," and "Li'l Abner" were closely followed by both children and adults. The economic situation during the Depression directly impacted radio. With the plays and movies represented on the radio many engaged with U.S. developments in the arts through the Great Depression. HYLAND: Good lord! Young reporters such as Edward R. Murrow, William Shirer, and Walter Cronkite covered breaking news at the front, while commentators such as Walter Winchell analyzed events at home. Approaches to news, commentary, and political persuasion were established during the early days of radio and were adapted to later media. 2. Charles E. Coughlin | Holocaust Encyclopedia Hooper. Golden Age of American radio, period lasting roughly from 1930 through the 1940s, when the medium of commercial broadcast radio grew into the fabric of daily life in the United States, providing news and entertainment to a country struggling with economic depression and war. New York: Crown Publishing Croup, 2000. Americans listened to the radio and heard bombs exploding in background as a reporter explained that London was being attacked. Radio was an inexpensive way to keep up with news events of the Great Depression and farming news, and provided a ready means for escape from the economic hard times through sports broadcasts and entertainment programs. A major leap forward occurred in 1929 when "The All-Negro . "The Fleischmann's Yeast Hour" became the first radio variety show. 3. In March 2012 the faculty at the Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute at New York University, together with an Honorary Committee of alumni, selected "the 100 Outstanding Journalists in the United States in the Last 100 Years.". Known as one of the original shock-jocks, Greene was a trailblazer of talk radio; and his influence was such that he has been credited with quashing the riots in Washington, D.C . My Favorite Husband is the name of an American radio program and network television series. Originally employed as a print journalist, McBride hosted an extremely popular daily radio program during the late 1930s, the 1940s, and the 1950s. Disc jockey The first, delivered on March 12, 1933, only eight days after Roosevelt took office, attracted more 17 million families. These famous radio personalities were the stars of their time, and their shows were appointment listening for millions of Americans. Radio comedies, however, were limited to minstrel-style shows performed by white artists. Most Cleveland stations began making applications over the decade. Listen to the radio news, watch television news, and read a newspaper all on the same day. RYLE, MARTIN 10 Legendary Vintage Black Radio DJs - Radio Facts Some of the more creative radio talents functioned as their own producers, receiving a budget from the agency out of which they paid the supporting actors and crew. We ought to tell him. #37 of 61. *I <3 Allens Alley* His best-remembered gag was his long-running mock feud with friend and fellow comedian Jack Benny, but it was only part of his appeal; radio historian John Dunning (in On the Air: The Encyclopedia of Old-Time Radio) wrote that Allen was radio's most admired comedian and most frequently censored. Radio then morphed into radio formats . As the world faced changes and challenges, radio was an integral part not only in reporting and commenting on the changes, but in some cases, in instigating them.