hoi4 what to do when capitulate

Leave the first 4 in first slot, next 8 advanced, and again 4. If that still isn't enough, conquer Germany and Italy, puppet Italy and satellite all of Italy's African territories as puppets (if Poland capitulated to Germany during the war, satellite them as well), and take the focus Disunite Germany to gain more puppets. Once Norway is gone, declare war on and take Sweden. Restore the Romanovs to the throne and conquer Germany, Hungary, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Turkey, and Bulgaria. Posted on February 27, 2023 by how much is tim allen's car collection worth Easy as China, they start with fairly good relations with all the majors, except Japan. Invade USA through the South, ignore Mexico for the time being. Do note that the UK and France can individually bail on the war when you complete the focus to attack Turkey even if they agreed at the convention, but it is still easy to beat Turkey with just one of them and is possible to beat them by yourself. Next, go for "The Veterans Government" and "Anti-Communist Militia". If Transvaal runs out of building slots, follow the Dispersed/Concentrated Industry tech tree to get more building slots. Pick the national focus "Suspend the Persecution", complete the national focus "WPA" and complete all of its successive focuses and then pick either the "Full desegregation" or "Union representation Act" national focuses to trigger a civil war with the Confederacy. Basically you can copy what Germany did historically and it should work. In 1939 you should be guaranteed by both the UK and France, so you don't have to worry about the Allies. Because you'll have to fight the Allies and for that, you need a fair amount of good divisions. Have a production license from at least 5 of the 7 major powers. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Development Studio. Bring Carol II into power and make a huge army from the start. Continually take these decisions as soon as they are available to achieve 30 campaigns around five years after starting so make sure to start by 1939 just to be safe. And how none faction leaders become majors I still dont understand after 1000 hours of playing, Faction leaders are majors because without a major factions will collapse immediately. After the dutch have surrendered, start on Belgium (wait until your tanks are at the front line) and get to brussels as quick as you can. A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by Paradox Development Studio. The achievement will trigger when all Islamic states are Placated, and the Kurdish states are either at Separatist Fatigue or cored. Set some factories to build Transport Planes. Don't spend PP negotiating for rearmament, refuse the restrictions once you form your faction. Requires Germany to follow the Monarchist branch of their focus tree. You will still want enough infantry to hold the Maginot and the territory you make as you push with the tanks. Simply take the focus Organize the Peasants Strike and then take the decisions to claim provinces as well as the option to expand the strike to the factories. Follow the right most side of focus tree to become communist and put Trotsky in charge. It is not required to have Joseph Stalin as the current leader. As Poland, have the Peasants Strike overthrow the government. Now it is time to take the Triumph in Africa focus, once it completes go to the Balance of Power and take all the decisions which push the power to the left (red). For which you only need to occupy the required states. 300-400 political power is a good number to have saved before starting but if you can spare the time and effort, having around 600-700 political power will ensure success. Once all of this is done, mass produce subs until you can sneak a naval invasion into Britain anywhere with a port. If you train regular forces and raise the special forces cap through Focus and Research you can easily make 9-10 units around '42/'43, Move them to Malta, make a paradrop order on Rome, and click execute. Set all of your military factories to produce infantry equipment and build more mils in all of your states (you need lots of guns for coups), Build a spy agency from the very start and make 5 improvements. HOI4 Germany Guide to world conquest by 1939 (Hearts of Iron - YouTube The USA starts with the first Georgia, while the other two; Georgia and South Georgia, are owned by the Soviet Union and United Kingdom. After the Soviet capitulation, you and the Soviet collaboration government should have enough manpower and production to defeat the Axis. So depending on whether you started the game with historical AI on or off, you may have to capitulate The Allies. Hearts of Iron IV: How to Form the Byzantine Empire in Man the Guns Once you finish "Autonomous Soviet Republics" you will need to release all of these nations as puppets: Lithuania, Finland, Mongolia, Ukraine, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Turkestan, Bukharan, Altai and The Far East, You will also then need to return Biaystok to Poland after this. WARNING! You can also alternatively start as a nation that has no puppets, turn fascist and just conquer and annex every other nation present. r/hoi4 on Reddit: Capture cipher operation not showing up? already Conquered a coastal state in Europe. If they agree, you will get an "Arranged Territorial Expansion" in Palestine. It's also possible to go (France) - Italy - Yugoslavia - Bulgaria - Turkey - (Iran) due to the Bosphorus straits allowing you to build a rail connection over them. Following the Little Entente path will get you Czechoslovakia as your faction member. With La Resistance DLC you can use an agent and assign him diplomatic pressure on majors, it will make getting the achievement even easier. Once you declare war on Germany and Italy is called in, the achievement you should trigger after no more than 7 in-game days. This can easily be done in combination with "Holy, Roman, and an Empire", because after forming the Roman Empire you've more than enough resources and big enough of a navy (take both France and the UK's in the peace deal) that no one should be able to stop you. Can be accomplished by having the law after capitulating and controlling no territory (e.g. A third option is to play as the UK - go down a Change in Course (any path is fine), get military access from Nationalist China (on historical, they are very obligated to help you), and launch naval invasions into the home islands (if you go communist, you can join the Comintern and attack from Vladivostok). After this you should get some civilian factories through your tree and once you have around 15-25, trade all of you factories away to the Soviet Union for whatever resource. Sweep up the rest of the Chinese United Front, and then after annexing any of the warlords that submitted to you (an easy way to do this is to build dockyards and produce convoys), Claim the Mandate of Heaven. Get over 90% intel in each category on a major without using code cracking. Join the Axis, which will consist of Germany alone. While you can side with the Japanese first to take out China then backstab the Japanese, it's recommended to deal with Japan first, as they'll inevitably get the United States drawn in when they attack the Philippines. If you want to keep playing, you an try to grab as much of the east as possible as well as there is a follow-on decision to core the far east. Just turn either fascist or communist. Is a Collaboration Government As the Soviet Union, activate 30 propaganda campaigns before 1945. Be mindful that several states in the Midwest around the Great Lakes will also break off to form the Unaligned States of America, but they will not be hostile towards you. 2019, https://hoi4.paradoxwikis.com/index.php?title=Achievements&oldid=60560, Play Capitulate Country Command? | Paradox Interactive Forums Remember to only annex the states from S-A that border the Red Sea and to puppet the rest. Make simple infantry and artillery divisions to hold this line, then spam the equipment. But if the british fails considerably to invade me, I want to make white peace. Annex for their resources and their navy. the Landsturm regiments are pretty damn useless. #Hoi4 Germany #speedrun guide with commentary to beat Hearts of Iron 4 in december of 1936. Offmap military factories do not count as they are considered occupied factories and are not specifically on your territory. As Sweden, acquire a production license for a Tiger or Tiger II tank from Germany. As Japan, conquer Mexico then Europe before 1945. (hold on until you can) Push back Italy, but don't accept the peace event neither do the focus "International Mediation". Restore the old borders with the USA as Mexico. While this is happening, you can get guarantees from France and Britain through the decision menu. Convert military factories into civilian factories in Transvaal. Tried to do the "Big Entente" Achievement I hate the AI : r/hoi4 This page was last edited on 2 March 2023, at 10:40. also how do I win the German Civil war? Justify on Yugoslavia and Albania, timing it so the justifications complete right after the Anschluss (February 1938 with Historical Focus). This strategy works most of times, but not all. Karelia is easy enough to reconquer that ceding it causes no real problem. May be done in conjunction with "Master Puppeteer" (win against Yugoslavia and release the constituent states as puppets) and/or "Prussia of the Balkan" (e.g. A puppeted Yugoslavia can be integrated with its constituent states released as puppets for this achievement, or you can seize Macedonia and Southern Serbia from them via decision. Don't take any focusses and once you have 50 pp justify on Ireland. Then complete "Boarding the Train" focus. This will drag all the others in without any major powers. It is safer but harder. Hearts of Iron IV has 171 different achievements, all using the Steam achievements mechanics. Make sure to research rockets. For this Achievement, you also need to complete the focus "il Sol Dell'Avvenire". Turkey has capitulated Put a few divisions on port guard duty to defend against a Swedish naval counter invasion. Once Austria-Hungary forms they always automatically join the Central Powers. Invent and build fighters, bombers and nukes. Puppets may only change ideology via 'Paramilitary Training' Decisions or war. . At this point you will get invitations from different candidates for the crown and you have to wait for Karl Albrecht I, the Habsburg claimant. Don't invite your allies and, After getting Danzig, move your light tanks to a port near Denmark and prepare a naval invasion against France with ten of the eleven divisions. Build an army to at least 500k manpower and take the "Align Hungary" and "Split Czechoslovakia" focuses. Easier if the Nationalist are weakened by the Carlist rebellion. Puppet USA is probably better choice if you are sharing war scores with other countries. During the peace conference, the Fascists will focusing on grabbing land, so it is possible to puppet the Soviet Union. So once you declare war on them through a "Demand recognition decision" they'll join the Axis. Vichy France already owns more than 5 non-contiguous states (islands count as non-contiguous) so annexing them in the peace deal will grant the achievement. Start the game with Historical AI and go down the first focusses of the monarchy path. As Switzerland annex 5 states that are not contiguous with each other or Switzerland. Thus, before starting civil war, justifying war goal on Poland then Germany, as world tension rises, Poland will be guaranteed by the United Kingdom. As Bulgaria, complete the focus The Fate of the Balkans while having 5 or more Balkan puppets. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The "Notes" column lists helpful short tips/strategies. Stay on speed 5 the whole time. Allies win by '41/'42. Use decisions to demand ending the war. Be aware that when Japan goes to war with the Allies that there is a chance that when a nation revolts that they will automatically join the Japanese faction. Wait until the Soviet's are working to Demand Bessarabia (mid-1940). Build ~10 submarines and when justification will end, declare war. Alternatively, elect the Fascist king, join the Axis, and help them in the Africa campaign. Build warships and planes, use naval bombers to sink the British fleet once you have gained air superiority. You will need more men to hold the upcoming 'lin. You can join the axis faction after the conclusion of the war. Only requires the Restore Byzantium decision, which can be taken by conquering all of Turkey and the entire Balkans (Albania, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Romania and Hungary). When the war with the Soviets is over, either puppet or annex them. Note you may need to have some AA gun in stock, or the recomposed division may not return equipment to stock. Because IIRC casualties=war score, which means the AI throwing themselves into a unwinnable battle gives them a bigger piece of the pie. But since the AI UK had killed more Japanese they were the ones who Japan surrendered to. The AI will always accept, as there is a whopping +1000 positive modifier for the AI to accept a request to become Spymaster if the asking country is controlled by a player. When it is possible take "March on Tallinn". Romania guarantees them and you, so they don't join. As of 1.9.0, the event gives a larger portion of units and equipment. Declare on Greece after the justification on Austria. So that means you must have at least 1,333,334 Manpower on the field to do this achievement. To prevent delays, read-ahead down the tree, e.g., have enough infantry equipment stored for Supply Indonesian Nationalists. Valve Corporation. Justify on Mexico and build up naval base in Curacao. When communist Romania wins their civil war, justify and attack them, they will not be guaranteed by anyone, as they are communist and just fought a civil war. what is the rarest hoi4 achievement - laoiscivildefence.org At least 10 Carriers. As South Africa, finish the A King for our People focus and take Jerusalem. If it was real life, I highly doubt that the british would continue to invade after seeing such high losses in men compared to mine. After this series of easy conquests, you will have the decision to form the Roman Empire. You can also spam recruitment of divisions until you've used up all your manpower, wait a few ticks for the achievement to trigger, and then cancel them all again (if you want to continue your game). North, South and middle korea : r/hoi4 - reddit.com After inviting Italy, during the Sudetenland Crisis, deny Germany the land, and then when they declare war on Czechoslovakia, join the war and call Italy in. As Spain, have at least 5 spies and stage 5 coups against other nations. Type the name of a command into the search bar to instantly search our database of 172 HOI4 commands for the most recent version of the game on Steam (PC). (You need to keep your legitimacy above 99 during the entire 70 days of the focus, so you might have to attempt doing it a couple of times since Italy can lower your legitimacy through a decision). If the peace conference triggers before the achievement does, try to annex all of Great Britain as the other Axis members may take the required territory. The Confederacy of American States appears in the same southern states as the original Confederate States. Then, upgrade the Agency three times with anything you like, and after that the option to Become Spymaster (for the Allies) will be available next to the name and icon of your agency at the top of the window. At the start of the game create your spy agency and unlock all cryptology tech, you only need to decrypt Germany as they are the only member of the Axis. I know but I think in real life the UK would think that the 500k men is a very big sacrifice just to invade a small nordic country. If you get full annexed, it's game over, but the allies won't annex you, they'll probably split Germany into a few puppets, and you'll get to keep playing as a Allied puppet. Supply there is very bad. Start the game as Mongolia. Justify on Poland, then declare war. This will buff them so Germany should fall around 1943. For example, in a USA game I island hopped pretty quickly to Japan and then used the nuke events to capitulate them. You can detour and get your 5th research slot as well as The New Emperor of Ethiopia and Topple the Amhara Rulers focuses if you wish.