how does douglass refute this counterclaim?

2 - Evidence. The thesis provides the main argument for the essay as well as an outline for the rest of the essay. You really want a new cell phone, after all. But this is the opinion of the Founding and, more generally, of the nations basic moral architecture that critics have propounded widely in todays schools and universities. But there are two sides to every argument. Answer: a. dependence on a neighbor in terms of access to water trade. Reasoning is the author's logic used to support and prove their claims. [17] Douglass, Speech on the Dred Scott Decision, May 11, 1857, in Life and Writings, Vol. ete the task. But his Do nothing with us! rhetoric, oversimplified for emphasis, has been misunderstood by critics who read it literally as a denial of public obligation and a justification of public indifference toward the freedpeople. Not transient and fitful effort, but patient, enduring, honest, unremitting, and indefatigable work, into which the whole heart is put. Much of the distinctive greatness of this nation, he continues, is due to its hospitality to just this sort of virtue. 42% of the inmates are black, although African-Americans only account for 12.5% of the U.S. population" (Walter). how does douglass refute this counterclaim? [43] True abolition and true liberation, in Douglasss understanding, required the restoration of slaves property rights, not the elimination of all others property. how does douglass refute this counterclaim? In the end, these elements of freedom-becoming educated-led to his last act of rebellion, which he thought would bring him freedom. I explain Douglasss argument more elaborately in Frederick Douglass, pp. In these three stories, as well as in a sizable number of other articles, lectures, and letters, Douglass strongly advocated against slavery. One skill builds upon another. What country have I? he asked, a member of a race placed outside the protections of law, and answered, I have no patriotism. A claim is the main argument. Slavery, in their view, was simply unconstitutional; the Constitution delegated to the federal government both the right and the duty to abolish slavery immediately, everywhere in the Union.[18]. Douglass rejected the various white disintegrationists for obvious reasons, and he rejected the black variants too. He can no longer stand his new sense of education and knowledge. The body of the essay is three paragraphs and contains the author's reasoning, evidence, and counterclaims. To reaffirm the old integrationist faith in America, Myers turns to the renowned 19th century abolitionist and advocate of civil and political equality Frederick Douglass. He introduces this idea after his beginning steps in becoming educated and later reinforces it by providing extensive examples of his experience with; slave-masters, learning the alphabet, reading and writing, and the exposition of individual opinions in literature. In our example, you would need to give or cite some concrete evidence like, 'According to research, students with Internet access on their phones are more likely to make the Honor Roll.' In his successive responses to these developments, Douglass expressed not despair but rising hopefulness. This grand achievement taught Douglass something, as he says, From that moment, I understood the pathway from slavery to freedom. [36] The Present and Future of the Colored Race in America, May 1863, in Life and Writings, Vol. This commitment not only appears in the Preamble, but also reflects a bedrock rule of legal interpretationa rule as old as law itself, Douglass observed, and grounded in the very nature of law, according to which a legal instrument must be construed strictly in favor of liberty and justice.[17], In Douglasss argument, these interpretive principles yielded powerfully anti-slavery results. Americas mission and destiny are to supply the [most] perfect national illustration of the unity and dignity of the human family that the world has ever seen. This is the essential bequest of our fundamental principles of government, world-embracing in their scope and character.[31] The Union victory, in Douglasss view, signified a momentous victory for a grand politics of integration. A reason makes someone care and tells the importance of the claim and the argument. How did Frederick Douglass learn to read? His emphasis on property rights grounded in productive, opportunistic laboring went hand-in-hand with a respect for blacks equal capacity for cultivating and perfecting the self-elevating virtues. Every year adds to his wealth and to his intelligence. Thousands of black Americans did just that. [50] My Bondage and My Freedom, in Autobiographies, p. 286; Douglass to Stowe, March 8, 1853, in Life and Writings, Vol. I hope you win your next argument! You're going to need to support your claim to get rid of that crummy, old, obsolete phone that's holding you back. in Professional Writing and Rhetoric from the University of New Orleans and a B.A. Slavery was brought to America in the 1600s taking millions of Africans from West Africa. Not as Ethiopians, not as Caucasians, not as Mongolians, not as AfroAmericans, or AngloAmerican are we addressed but as men. In the Narrative of the Life Of Frederick Douglass, we are exposed to the iniquity of slavery and the dehumanization of the black race, which then led Frederick Douglass to recognize that literacy and education would aid him in his flight to freedom. I teach a seventh grade ELA class and weve just finished reading Walk Two Moonsby Sharon Creech. In this respect, what is notable in Douglasss advocacy of education reforms is that whereas he justified them primarily as the payment of a debt due specifically to those formerly enslaved and their relationsspecifically to black Americanshe proposed the payment of that debt by a policy framed in nonracial terms, designed to benefit Americans irrespective of race. IV, p. 253. No words, no tears, no prayers, from his gory victim, seemed to move his iron heart from its bloody purpose. To be deprived of the vote in America, or in any democracy, he continued, is to suffer a double injustice. Speaking in 1993 to a black congregation at the Memphis church where King had delivered the final sermon of his life, President Bill Clinton lamented that King did not live and die to see the American family destroyed or for the freedom of people to kill each other with reckless abandon.[3]. Over one hundred years after Frederick Douglasss death, this teaching has lost none of its essential vitality. Search where you will, there is no country on the globe where labor is so respected and the laborer so honored, as in this country.[47], This, too, was a corollary of Douglasss non-exceptionalism principle. Douglass's really has two central claims in theNarrative. He returned also a more confident and independent thinker, and in late 1847, against Garrisons advice, he launched his own newspaper, originally titled The North Star. work!!! Up from Alienation: Douglasss Abolitionist Years, Speaking to the Garrisonian American Anti-Slavery Society in 1847, a youthful Douglass posed a poignant question and supplied a dispiriting answer. Douglass debunks the mythology of slavery in his narrative by rebuking the romantic image of slavery with very disturbing imagery, promotes his own views on the intellectual belief of slaves, and exposes the system for promoting the disloyalty among slaves. They were great men too. James Madison, the commonly acknowledged Father of the Constitution, in a speech at the Constitutional Convention denounced slavery grounded in the mere distinction of colour as the most oppressive dominion ever exercised by man over man.[6] Likewise, Thomas Jefferson, the principal author of the Declaration of Independence, in his original draft of that document denounced slavery (not only the slave trade) as a cruel war against human naturean institution creating and depending on a market, he emphasized to excite outrage in his readers, where MEN should be bought & sold. All the major figures of the Founding forwarded similar denunciations of slavery. It is appealing to think that Kings dream has been realized, at least in its essentials, by the reforms of the Civil Rights Erareforms that King himself characterized as the third, the greatest, and the culminating American Revolution. Frederick Douglass went on to write books and give speeches in hope that one day all slaves would be free. II, p. 235; Address on the Twentieth Anniversary of Emancipation, April 16, 1883, in Douglass Papers, Vol. ALL Shopping Rod. I feel like its a lifeline. He not only. A few of which include inequality, education, and Christianity as the keys to freedom in terms of its true values within the institution of slavery. -yes! His first hand accounts of the cruel nature of slavery and the thought processes of the various slave owners help to substantiate his assertion. What does Frederick Douglass mean when he says "Bread of Knowledge"? His careful planning paid off in September 1838, when he fled Baltimore disguised as a seaman and made his way ultimately to New Bedford, Massachusetts, where he settled, a newly married man, and took the surname Douglass from the hero in Sir Walter Scotts epic poem The Lady of the Lake. When you're preparing an argument, make sure to note where you got your evidence. Douglass states that "scorching irony, not convincing argument, is needed." Worst of all was Dred Scott, in which the nations highest court endorsed the pro-slavery, white-supremacist reading propagated by both the Constitutions Garrisonian enemies and slaverys most determined defenders. Get unlimited access to over 88,000 lessons. Douglass refutes Fitzhughs pro-slavery argument of the average slave living an ideal life, by disproving early ideas of the free labor system and paternalism through real life encounters of the physical oppression slaves faced on the day to day basis in the forms of inhumane treatment and violence, as well as the true harsh, The brutality that slaves endured form their masters and from the institution of slavery caused slaves to be denied their god given rights. He is set free, in an educational sense., Create Decodable Text with Artificial Intelligence, FREE Diagnostic Reading and ELA Assessments. In Americas dedication to principles of natural human rights set forth in the Declaration of Independence, Douglass found reason to love and identify with his country, despite the injustices that he and his people had suffered. [10] See, for example, Douglass, Speech at the Unveiling of the Freedmens Monument in Memory of Abraham Lincoln, April 14, 1876, in The Frederick Douglass Papers: Series One, Vol. Such attention is properly directed toward, but also beyond, the icons of the recent era of reform. So far as it filled the country with a deeper abhorrence of slavery and a deeper love for the great liberator, the murder of Lincoln, he hoped, would arouse in the war-weary nation the spirit to continue and complete Lincolns workand Douglasss ownin the postwar years.[29]. What would you ask them to do? At the end of this excerpt, what encouraging signs does Douglass find? Douglasss new office as editor broadened his education as an abolitionist, and over the next few years, his differences with his erstwhile mentors grew more pronounced. Even Christianity was corrupted by slavery, he points out. [If] the Negro cannot stand on his own legs, let him fall. There is a power in numbers, wealth and intelligence, which can never be despised nor defied. [50] Self-reliant virtue was indispensable to the cause of national integration, just as it was an essential condition of the securing of rights. [12] Douglass, What to the Slave is the Fourth of July? July 5, 1852, in Douglass Papers, Vol. Argumentative Writing Overview & Facts | How to Write A Claim & Counterclaim, ACT® English Test Prep Practice: Commas, Concluding Statements: Supporting Your Argument, How to Establish and Maintain a Formal Writing Style, How to Analyze an Argument's Effectiveness & Validity, ACT® English Test Prep Practice: Verb Tense and Subject-Verb Agreement, Writing for An Audience: How to Structure Your Argument, How to Structure an Argument in Your Essay, Providing Effective Feedback on Writing Samples, Claim Statements in Arguments | Strong & Weak Reasons, Evidence, & Examples, How to Add, Subtract and Multiply Complex Numbers, Supporting Claims with Evidence & Reasoning | How to Write a Claim Statement, Citing Textual Evidence to Support Analysis, The Importance of Using Precise Language in Writing. How does douglass refute this counterclaim? Evidence is usually some kind of research. [26] Douglass, Life and Times of Frederick Douglass, in Frederick Douglass: Autobiographies, pp. 386387. The Union victory signified, for Douglass, much more than the defeat of one particular rebellion and more, too, than the defeat of the troublesome particular doctrines that inspired that rebellion. His life was transformed yet again in August 1841, when the nations foremost abolitionist, William Lloyd Garrison, heard him speak at meetings in New Bedford and Nantucket, Massachusetts, and promptly offered him a position as a lecturer for the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society. [11] Douglass, Speech at the American Anti-Slavery Society, May 11, 1847, in The Life and Writings of Frederick Douglass, Vol. Douglass unveils the atrocious truth about slavery that was hidden for so many years. He barely knew his mother, who died shortly before or after he turned eight years old. An effective argumentative essay addresses what the other side might say and explains why that point of view is wrong. He was appealing to the public to honor those victims claim for a slight measure of compensation in a fashion carefully tailored to their needs and to the deepest of the wrongs that they had suffered. Having witnessed her transformation from a sympathetic to a hard-hearted mistress, Douglass concludes that slavery was as injurious to her soul as it was to his. V, p. 78. [N]o one seems to have doubted the correctness of the prevailing opinion of the time.[4]. [27] Douglass, Speech at the Unveiling of The Freedmens Monument in Memory of Abraham Lincoln, April 14, 1876, in Douglass Papers, Vol. The first televised presidential debate took place between John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon in 1960. For example, This evidence may be true; however, the objection does not change the fact that, 2. will help you with any book or any question. It was above all in Americas original and unforgettable dedication to those principles that Douglass found reason to love and identify with his country, despite the injustices that he and his people had suffered. This counterclaim both disagrees with the claim and disproves it with on-topic reasoning. It's how the detective is able to put the criminal in jail. Curiosity may have killed the cat, but it will help you be a good interviewer. In the long history of AfricanAmerican political thought, there is no more forceful proponent of the cause of integration than Douglass, and there is no more insightful analyst of the varieties and dangers of national and racial disintegration. It contains a hook or way of gathering the audience's attention. As for the kind of cradle-to-grave care slaves get, Douglass graphically describes the frequent and brutal beatings his master, Mr. Auld, dealt out, and then discusses his own treatment as a child slave on the plantation. We must not beg men to do for us what we ought to do for ourselves. In 2016, slavery has become a distant memory. All other trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. Note that every step of the argument is supported by credible evidence. But the final, unimpeachable confirmation of Lincolns anti-slavery commitment came for Douglass in August 1864, when the President, fearing that a demoralized electorate would soon force a premature end to the war, summoned Douglass to the White House to discuss a covert scheme for liberating as many as possible in the meantime. Introduction--The introduction of a five-paragraph essay is one paragraph. 29 plumtrees road newtown, ct; popular subdivision names; how to cite the implicit association test 1. Although the election meant that a new order of eventsis now fairly opening upon the country, he reserved judgment as to just how significant a change was in prospect. Your claim is that you need a new cell phone. Identify two biblical allusions Douglass makes, and then explain how each contributes to Douglass's overall argument -He wants to use any means to convince people to end slavery. The function of a claim is to provide the author's argument. Once again, that hopefulness was grounded primarily in his appreciation of the unique virtue of Americas beginning; first things are always interesting, he liked to say,[10] and most of all in the case of a new nation dedicated to universal principles of justice. Counterclaim and Refutation Sentence Frames. The 4 parts of an argumentative essay are the claim, counterclaim, reasoning, and evidence. What is the "mournful wail" that gives Douglass the topic for his speech? Kimberly has taught Reading/Language Arts to intermediate and middle school students and holds a Master's Degree. [58] The Blessings of Liberty and Education, in Douglass Papers, Vol. II, pp. In a formal paper, you might say something like, 'It is necessary for me to obtain a new cell phone.' Whom was he trying to reach? ventana canyon golf membership fees; what ships are in port at norfolk naval base? The counterclaim is the opposite argument which the author addresses in order provide a rebuttal. That the natural-rights principles epitomized in the Declaration of Independence were universally and permanently true; That the everlasting glory of Americas Founding lay in its dedication to those principles; and. On the other hand it will be found to contain principles and purposes, entirely hostile to the existence of slavery.[16], Building on the ingenious arguments of the 19th-century legal theorist Lysander Spooner, Douglass argued that the passages in the Constitutions text that admit of some ambiguity, such as the clauses commonly held to concern slavery, must be interpreted in light of the larger ends or objects of the Constitution as set forth in the Preamble. 'My cell phone doesn't have Internet access.'. The overall claim for an essay is also known as the thesis and can be found in the introduction of the essay. He taught them through all their hardships to love their country and their future in it. Finally, in the introduction is the thesis (claim). In a standard, five-paragraph argumentative essay, there are three sections, each with their own components. In paragraph 5, what does douglass acknowledge as a counterclaim to his position? [18] Douglass, The Republican PartyOur Position, in Life and Writings, Vol. In The Blessings of Slavery, by George Fitzhugh he states that southern slaves for the most part are the freest and happiest people in the world. First, it makes clear that Douglasss demand for nothing but fair play allowed for vigorous protective and remedial action by the federal government. The time for such argument is passed. He never had a pair of shoes, no matter how cold it got ,and had only a single thin shift to wear, summer and winter. In the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, Douglass is thrown into a new world of knowledge and opportunity, once he learns how to read and write. In what turned out to be Douglasss most prescient argument, slaverys demise would come about in the following sequence of events. Eachno-prepresource allows students to work at their own paces via mastery learning. [46] See Madison, Property, in Madison: Writings (New York: Library of America, 1999), pp. Max Farrand (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1911), p. 135. A broad array of racially freighted social problems persists and even intensifies in the postCivil Rights Era, in the face of which the ideals of the civil rights cause cannot be said to have been fully realized. The charge of a pro-slavery Constitution was a slander upon [the] memory of the Framers, he contended; interpreted as it ought to be interpreted, the Constitution is a glorious liberty document. Consider the constitution according to its plain reading, Douglass continued, and I defy the presentation of a single pro-slavery clause in it. (b) Up to that point, what evidence has he presented to support his claim? [8] The reader interested in a fuller account of Douglasss life should begin by reading Douglasss autobiographies: Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass (1845); My Bondage and My Freedom (1855); and Life and Times of Frederick Douglass (1881; expanded 1892). [32] Douglasss response was disarmingly blunt. In the book called The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, he attempts to shine light on the American Slave system in the 1800s. To the contrary, it was a hard-won achievement, and as such, it contains valuable lessons for all Americans and especially for those who, like the young Douglass himself, find themselves dispirited about their place and prospects in their country. His fair-play principle required, first and foremost, the cessation of various practices in the post-Reconstruction South that were designed to frustrate blacks efforts to acquire property for themselves. Second, any truly salutary public assistance must also be integrative, not divisive, in its design and effects. These displays of humanity would naturally arouse the sympathy of non-slaveholders, a few of whom at first, and more with the passage of time, would take up the cause of abolition. Douglass's central claim in his autobiography is that slavery is as harmful to whites as it is to slaves. [46] One of the most corrupting, debilitating effects of slavery, in Douglasss analysis, was its fostering of a cultural disdain for laboring as an activity beneath the dignity of truly free, truly human beings. Slavery can be viewed as one of the greatest examples of immoral treatment towards African Americans in the United States alone. Key Arguments in "The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass", There are a number of key arguments in The Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass. In the speech, Douglass makes a claim. [43] Douglass, Property in Soil and Property in Man, November 18, 1848, in Life and Writings, Vol. Including using the example of Joseph and his brothers, as well as the Israelites being slaves in Egypt (a) In what ways is Douglass's word choice suited to his audience? That is provable, because your phone is so old it barely has texting! [15] Douglass, What to the Slave Is the Fourth of July? in Douglass Papers, Vol. Which words helped you convey information precisely? and the excerpt from Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass Taking a long view, Douglass judged that there was no greater danger to the elevation of black people and the integration of America than this spirit of alienation. succeed. Using stories to illustrate each of his points, Douglass shows that black slaves only tell whites they are happy to avoid retribution, that they sing to mourn and lament their fate, and that owners who have gone to revival meetings and come back "converted" to Christianity feel even more emboldened to beat and mistreat their slaves, because it is Biblically sanctioned that slaves must obey their masters. 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In response, Garrison intensified his calls for the dissolution of the American Union, while influential black abolitionists urged blacks to surrender their hopes in America and emigrate. At the same time, Douglass' exploration of Christianity, and its hypocrisy when used to justify slavery, and the idea that the promise of freedom cannot be realized when a group of people are enslaved, helps to bolster the claims that slavery is America's "original sin.". They are struggling with the counterclaim (counterargument) and refutation (rebuttal) as these are new Standards for seventh graders. Latest answer posted September 30, 2016 at 3:50:30 PM. The rise of this abolitionist agitation would alarm slaveholders, who would respond by attempting to suppress abolitionist speech and to strengthen and perpetuate their political power by expanding slaverys presence in federal territories, thus preparing the admission of additional slave states. In his heart of hearts, Douglass would later reflect, Lincoln loathed and hated slavery.[25] The foundation of this deepened appreciation was of course Lincolns Emancipation Proclamation, promised in September 1862 and delivered the following January. Douglass publicly announced his change of opinion in the spring of 1851, but his most powerful statement of his revised view appears, fittingly enough, in his speech at an Independence Day celebration in 1852. This reassuring view is not, however, the prevailing opinion among postCivil Rights Era scholars and activists concerned with race relations. 556, 569. Frederick Douglasss account on slavery could be seen as biased as a result of first hand experiences with being held as a slave. how does douglass refute this counterclaim? At the same time Douglass is disgusted with education because it lets him know and fully understand the extent and horrors of slavery. On one side, he rejected as plainly blasphemous the radical positivism expressed in the eminent Senator Henry Clays assertion that what the law makes property, is property.[42] At the other extreme, he judged it arrant nonsense to conflate the causes of abolitionism and socialism, as some abolitionists did in the belief that they could eradicate the desire for property in another human being only by eradicating the desire for private property of any kind. In Douglasss day, the forces of disintegration were represented by slaveholders, white supremacists, segregationists, colonizationists, and the more extreme partisans of state or regional sovereignty, and also by black emigrationists and other proponents of black nationalism in its own more extreme forms. lessons in math, English, science, history, and more.