pending editor decision mdpi how long

Yes, thats correct. thanks for your question. After submitting the revised version and getting back the 3 reviewers comments (Round 2), the current status is now pending decision since 10 days. after resubmission the one reviewer satisfy with my comments however other reviewer not satisfier with some comments. You should review the feedback on SuSy. i submitted my revised manuscripts after 2 major revision and one minor revision . Thanks, Katherine. MDPI will allow authors to edit their manuscript in the case of author revisions before peer review, and during author revisions in the peer review process, according to reviewers and Academic Editors suggestions. If you know that you wont be able to make a deadline, you should contact the Assistant Editor (Editorial Office) to ask for more time. kindly reply. Various Dialect Groups on 2022-04-27, with manuscript ID: histories-1697518. Greetings! Authors retain the rights to their published content. I am worried if the deadline is not met. Hi Madam, As youve been waiting for more than a week, you can contact the Assistant Editor for an update. 10 Editor Decision 11 Production Services: From Acceptance to Publication 12 Production Steps 14 Scilit: A Powerful Database 16 Contact HTML, EPUB, and PDF versions are automatically generated. Your paper has been published online in PDF format. I want to know if this decision was made by the SI GE or others. Pending decision= Academic Editor (48) Pending major or minor revisions= Pending editor decision Academic Editor Paper accepted= English correction done (24: ) The Assistant Editor will accept the final changes and double-check that everything is correct before the paper is published. If youre struggling with this, you can reach out to the Academic Editor assigned to your paper, who can add the vouchers before the paper is accepted. I submitted my paper on Deecmber 19th and after one month of review , the status is showing as pending decions since more than 5 days after one round of review. Is it normal to wait for such a long time. On February 15th, I requested to change the correspondence email address for my [Administrative Sciences] Manuscript ID: admsci-2182229. You could try submitting without style files. Status Associate Editor .Review process , 3 . One of our core values at MDPI is the speed at which we publish. You can find out more about our peer review process, pre-check and other policy requirements here: Hi! Thank you. For Instance I am not a IOAP institue author, but one of my co-author is correspondent to IOAP institute, and the payment mode for his/her IOAP institute is centralised to the university. Is it possible to request for a second authors proof? The Editorial Office will certainly be able to provide further details. Your manuscript has now been published online in PDF format. The APCs currently range from 1000 CHF to 2400 CHF (Swiss Francs). Thank you. It will either be peer-reviewed again or sent to the editor for a final decision. Unfortunately, we cannot help from the blog in that regard, but we can recommend you to contact the publishing manager of Sustainability, Ms Neda Nikolic ( If the paper was rejected because it did not fall within the scope of the Special Issue, then you can resubmit to a Special Issue that is more fitting. We respectfully request the withdrawal of the dissertation. This is usually completed in around three working days, but could take longer depending on the reviewers schedules. We submitted the article on 2023-01-10. The information from, the abstract submission deadline is July 31, 2022, but I am still doing my research until next month. Click Editorial Office on the left-hand side. This comes after the paper is accepted. I went through the portal today and saw that the editors decision is to ask for additional review I am confused what does it mean. This status means that our team of English editors are reviewing your manuscript for grammar, spelling, and MDPI house style. pending editor decision usually takes 1-2 business days , but its showing from last 23.12.22. Our manuscript is a cross sectional survey that analyses response of dentists regarding their practice in certain restorations. The Academic Editor is making a final decision about your paper. The status is under review. According to the journal website, manuscripts are peer-reviewed and a first decision provided to authors approximately 16.4 days after submission. This is highly dependent on the manuscript. The status is still Pending Review. I have contacted with the editorial office but I did not get response. Under review = The paper is being peer-reviewed. This is what is meant by 'Pending Decision.' You should know the decision soon. A final decision is now being made about your paper. The journal staff aim to find suitable reviewers in one week, but this depends on the research field and the availability of reviewers at that time. How long time should we wait for editor decision on a manuscript? and The MDPI editorial process. Please contact the journals Editorial Office immediately, letting them know of your situation. can you please give me the exast answer. 2. Please could you take a look at the Under review section of this article? Apologies for the wait. Thanks very much for the comment. APCs need to be paid if a paper has been accepted. How can i do that, madam/sir. Or should I wait for more time? MDPI - MDPI Japan Blog Plz, reply me. Hi, we submitted a paper in Agronomy journal almost 2 months ago. Is it possible to change the document format after the first round of review? Ive got 1st review Your paper has been published and is now being converted into PDF format. Please note that the paper was not peer-reviewed at all, which we find really odd, because some other journals with 3 times higher Impact factors and twice rejection rates, at least gave us the chance to be peer-reviewed. My article was in pending conversation but now status shows that conversation skipped what does it mean? Some editors keep a paper for long time, more than 6 months or a year, without a decision and when send them a reminder message they do not reply or sometimes reply for the first time saying. Yes, you can resubmit! This stage refers to an internal process. Pending decision means that the Academic Editor is assessing the peer review process. The manuscript was submitted on January 17, 2023. The official classification of newly discovered or long-known unassigned viruses by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV) requires the deposition of coding-complete or -near-complete virus genome sequences in GenBank to fulfill a requirement of the taxonomic proposal (TaxoProp) process. Our paper has a status Pending editor decision for 12 days now (which is quite unusuall for Agronomy) and assigned editor does not reply to our e-mails asking about the status of our paper. May I know why is it so? Our Editorial Office may agree to extended revision time, provided that the authors send their request to the in-house Assistant Editor. Does it have to go through the process of editing again by the MDPI editorial team? You can also check out one of our other articles to find out more about what your manuscript status means. pending editor decisionpending611 ~ TA 1 2021-02-21 10:52 - 6 Android 2 2021-02-21 16:50 1 ~ 20 3 2021-04-21 18:52 1 4 2021-04-28 15:27 Is not it be revised version revision status? now its showing pending editor decision, which much time it will take to give decision? If youre still waiting after a week, please could you get in touch with the Editorial Office? At this stage, what is the probability of acceptance of my manuscript for publication? I was wondering if the status is not getting updated due to a technical error. What does it mean? Could you please contact the guest editor/assistant editor on our behalf to know the problem? Plagiarism of any kind is not accepted by MDPI. . Hi, Then, I resubmitted the manuscript on 1st of October, it went to peer review, two positive responses one with minor revision and second accepted it. Around 12 days. MDPI will endeavour to consider all circumstances. Not to worry. Time is rather critical for this paper. Please get in touch with the journals Editorial Office. They may be able to suggest other options. I am planning to submit my article to the special issue of Vaccines. We hope that this breakdown helped you to understand your manuscript status. It could be that the Managing Editor needs to re-assess some of the details. Thank you. May I know what the possible reason for the delay is? Is there anyway to revised the manuscript? The length of the process could be dependent on the editors workload, for example, or the scope of the journal/SI. We submitted the manuscript entitled, A Study of Chinese Cemeteries in Singapore Case Studies of the Creation and Development of Communal Cemeteries of You can get in touch with the editor assigned to your manuscript for specific details. Hi, I submitted my manuscript 29, July. We are sure you will get better answers and possible solutions from her. Hello Isaac. I hope that this information helps. I revised the manuscript according to all comments and recommendations from the reviewers reports. Please contact the Editorial Office if it has been five business days and an Assistant Editor has not yet been assigned to your submission. Hello Manish, thanks for getting in touch. Make sure to share any further questions in the comments. Something that authors often worry about is manuscript rejection. Bank fees will be deducted from the refund. Pending decision = A first assessment will be made by the Academic Editor. Very soon, it will be converted to XML and HTML. How long does it take in general for an article published in MDPI Microorganisms to show up in PubMed? What does this mean?. Although some papers pass through the process and hit all the time estimates, others may take longer, for many different reasons. Rather, it refers to the final decision by the Editor-in-Chief (EIC). Click Editorial Office in the left-hand navigation bar. This means you need to submit your manuscript before or on the date outlined on the Special Issue webpage. The status Revised version review indicates that your paper has been sent for a second round of reviews. Still, I havent gotten any requests for minor or major changes. This will tell you all you need to know about this status. This stage takes about 1-2 working days, dependent on the editors schedule. Heres an overview of the statuses and their meanings. How long does this process take to complete? This is inclusive of weekends and holidays. You can find their details on the Editorial Office link on the journals homepage. I have an inquiry, I submitted my research article on 27/ 9 / 2022. MDPI waives around a quarter of its APCs every year and offers one of the most affordable pricing structures in the commercial publishing landscape. Now I want to change the submission issue in the same journal, Is this possible to change our submission issue during under review in the same journal? You should improve your manuscript based on the feedback provided by the reviewers. It usually takes around 48 hours. The status changed to pending editor decision on November 24, 2022 and has remained Pending Editor decision since then. You may include others ideas and words, as long as you quote and reference them appropriately. Could you please help us check if there is anything wrong with our submission? Please contact them to resolve the issue. However, I understand that you have been waiting for a while now. They usually have a busy schedule. It has is under the status of pending conversion and it waited for two weeks still now? Alternatively, you could decide to use the credit on your next submission. What is the meaning of pending review? - As per your website, this stage will take 1-2 days only. But if go through the link the editorial decision is showing rejected and redeclined submission. Hello, If they were planning to not accept my changes. MDPIpending decisionPending editor decision But there is no update from the editor or journal. Otherwise, you can keep up to date with the status of your paper by checking SuSy, MDPIs submission system. Pending conversion = Microsoft Word or LaTeX is being converted to JATS XML. Syracuse Haulers Schedule 2022 Rental Properties That Accept Evictions Venture Capital Portland, Oregon Amtrak Charger Locomotive Provo Daily Herald Local News Physical Education Unit Plan Comments are closed. MDPIpending decisionunder reviewpending decision. The Author submits a manuscript.2. Is there specific time zone for each deadline of special issues? Thank you very much! ( Hello Sopheap, thank you for the comment. Could you like to help me to solve this problem? To find out more about specific papers, you can access the feedback on SuSy, and follow up with the journals Editorial Office if you require further details. Could you help us contacting the editorial office on our behalf. Mdpi . I and a few of my connections from the USA have submitted valuable papers using the voucher code they got during reviewing process. The journal staff aim to find expert reviewers within a week, but it can sometimes take longer to find the right match. For authors from low- and middle-income countries, waivers or discounts will be granted on a case-by-case basis. MDPI is a different publisher. Once you have reviewed this, please get in touch with the Veterinary Sciences Editorial Office. Revised reviews will be completed in around three working days, considering that reviewers are already familiar with the content of your paper, but we are flexible if reviewers require more time. Hi Muhammad. The status changed from Pending review to Under review on January 5th and the Assistant Editor was also assigned on that day. We also submitted a short text as per instructions given at : Please be sure to confirm this with the Assistant Editor as soon as one is assigned to your manuscript. I wonder the meaning of (x) I would not like to sign my review report Our paper had pending editors decision status for 8 days then the status changed to revised version review. The Manuscript ID is horticulturae-2253134. The duration of this status depends on the Academic Editors workload and availability. So sorry that you have such conflicting information! What does it mean? What could be the reason behind this? Thank you very much! I submitted an article to microorganisms. In short, after how many days from today I am likely to get a decision? All the editorial, production, and invoicing steps are managed using MDPIs SuSy and are performed by in-house employees, largely using software created and maintained by MDPI. If you need more details about your case, in particular, the assistant editor assigned to your manuscript can help with that. One month ago, I have submitted the Manuscript to Polymers Journal. Please could you contact the Academic Editor for an update? Detailed information is provided in the Instructions for Authors section via the journal menu. English correction done = The paper has been edited for English, which takes about 24 hours. I submitted my manuscript dentistry-2179056 to Dentistry journal 7/1/2023. I have selected open review for my manuscript but I dont want to keep it in open review how can I change it? So, is there any way to correct this after releasing the issue? The journals Editorial Office will be able to provide you with an update. There may be delays based on the Academic Editors workload and availability upon a decision request. The Check for Updates feature is only available in the PDF version of the manuscript. As long as you have implemented this advice, theres no reason why your manuscript should not be accepted. Thank you for getting in touch. Reasons added to the comment section by the editor was that the paper isnt ready for publication. Pending major or minor revisions = Author revisions are in progress. Is it possible to have a waiver from publication fees when I got the acceptance letter. Since the date of submission, the manuscript is still under the Review status. What is your experience as reviewer of MDPI and Applied - ResearchGate No need to worry. They can advise you on this. Apologies for the delay. No changes can be made at any point in the publishing process. Hello Katherine Bosworth! I would encourage you to contact the Academic Editor for any missed updates. This mean I reviewed your manuscript, But I want to reject?. Its unusual that they wouldnt get back to you let me follow this up for you. I have a quary that during Proofread i have done a mistake can I submit it again.if possible then what should be the process. Sometimes, delays occur when waiting for feedback from reviewers and Academic Editors. This is the second paper that I published in sustainability. Thanks for the reply. I hope to find the solution from commenting in this blog. Hello. If the SI GE made the shot, sending the paper to another SI led by the same GE in another MDPI journal might be risky for us, and may lead to the same result. How can any one expect novelty in a survey study of this kind. MDPI uses iThenticate to review manuscripts for plagiarism. Is the review process at MDPI fair to reviewers? [duplicate] Hi, As such, I am getting worried about the prolonged delay. Our agreed reviewer time ranges from one to two weeks (depending on the journal), but we are flexible if reviewers require more time. Hi For the abstract submission deadline, you only need to prepare an abstract of your planned paper. On 14 Nov 2022, I could see all the R three Peer Review Reports (Round -1). They can provide you with an update on your manuscript and put your mind at ease. Does it mean Rejection? Is this how MDPI Journals works? Still, it is under review. pending editor decisionpeer revieweditorial memberfinal decisionmdpi. if I understood properly my coauthor will get full discount right? Hi, We submitted 2nd revised manuscript and status directly changed to Pending editor decision. Hi, good morning! i submitted my paper in processes and they assigned me 2 reviwers . If I have done 20 reviews and received a voucher of 100 francs for each review, can I publish my paper for free in a journal with publication fees of 2000 francs? If you cannot return the edited manuscript and/or responses within the agreed time, you can get in touch with the Assistant Editor, who may be able to grant you an extension. Hi Ivana. You can find their details on the journals webpage, by clicking on Editorial Office on the left-hand navigation menu. Getting Involved with the Editorial Process Q&A, How to Advance as an Early Career Researcher, Challenges and Opportunities: Early Career Researchers, How to Reduce Stress Whilst Waiting for Publication, policy regarding corrections and retractions, Desk rejection (rejection upon submission), Rejection before peer review by the Academic Editor. How can we know if something went wrong with our paper? If you find yourself waiting for more than a week, it's best to contact the Assistant Editor for an update. Take a look at our article on MDPI manuscript statuses for more info. Take a look at our article on manuscript status information. The Editorial Office has received the manuscript and it is being pre-checked. But, i have some issues which are corrected by the production team after publication before releasing issue. This is my first publishing experience and the third submission (MDPI) for my article. Its usually only a paragraph or two. Your paper should currently appear as a PDF online. Apologies for the delay. On the 36th Day of my submission, the Editor in Chief gave a Final Decision saying Ask for an Additional Reviewer(Round 2). Hi, Pending editor decision = The Academic Editor is making a final decision. Apologies that you have been waiting longer than expected. However, we have not been receiving any response. However, authors should consider in advance whether they have sufficient funds to cover the APC. Hi Mubasharmubashar. What Does My MDPI Manuscript Status Mean? The first round of reviews usually takes around two to three weeks. We have a 24-hour window for this step. The status was pending editor decision for two weeks and then changes to pending decision. I contact with assigned editor, but I did not got response. Hello, It usually takes 12 days. Another query is sticking in researcher mind whether voucher based payments increase paper rejection or slows down editorial processing. Ive reached out to the editorial office on your behalf, you should hear back from them soon. Thanks. It shows that status is pending review. In open peer review, the reviews are published online when the manuscript is. Should I email the Assistant Editor about it? I am getting worried about the delay. Or is the academic editor hiring a fourth reviewer? Answer: When the status for a manuscript changes "Under Review" to "Ready for Decision", it means that the peer-review process is complete and only the editorial decision is pending. Its also important to remember that authors who have their manuscript rejected are refunded the APC. So, i would like to ask if there is a chance to reconfirm and revise the paper after accept. Any pending edits or misunderstandings will be addressed via email before the paper is published to avoid post-publication edits. We have checked everything, spam or junk folders but no response has every been given (apart from the automatic emails from the journal). Yes. It appears online as under review. The Academic Editor is currently reviewing the peer review findings. few more things I want to confirm.. you have commented You can include additional authors at any time during revisions (before manuscript acceptance). nearly one month ago on the blog.