the following describe internal states of symptoms except

C) the severity and duration of the problem. The participant is told to be open to the process of hypnosis, trust the hypnotist and let go. Remarkably, Falater insisted that he had no recollection of hurting his wife in any way. One or two nights of sleep difficulty is not unusual, but if you experience anything more than that, you should seek a doctors advice. (Jayanthi & Ramamoorthy, 2005; Rothman, Blough, & Baumann, 2007). Aches and pains, such as severe headache and muscle and joint pain. It is not uncommon for people suffering from insomnia to experience increased levels of anxiety about their inability to fall asleep. Our sleep-wake cycle, which is linked to our environments natural light-dark cycle, is perhaps the most obvious example of a circadian rhythm, but we also have daily fluctuations in heart rate, blood pressure, blood sugar, and body temperature. Users experience increased energy, feelings of pleasure, and emotional warmth. It seems like everyone knows a friend, family member, or neighbor who has died of an overdose. There are individual differences in regard to our sleep-wake cycle. Test 1: Quizes 1-4 Flashcards | Drug use disorders are addictive disorders, and the criteria for specific substance (drug) use disorders are described in DSM-5. Its simply that they feel so overwhelmed and stressed that they cannot fall asleep or stay asleep. For example, Hobson (2009) suggests that dreaming may represent a state of protoconsciousness. As a group, hallucinogens are incredibly varied in terms of the neurotransmitter systems they affect. In 2015, the National Sleep Foundation updated their sleep duration hours, to better accommodate individual differences. If you get peritoneal dialysis, peritonitis symptoms also may include: Cloudy dialysis fluid. The different stages of sleep will be identified, and sleep disorders will be described. Infants younger than 12 months appear to be at the highest risk for SIDS, and boys have a greater risk than girls. Normal brain functioning is altered after repeated use of these drugs. Sleep is characterized by certain patterns of activity of the brain that can be visualized using electroencephalography (EEG), and different phases of sleep can be differentiated using EEG as well. week 3 midterm 1.docx - Question 1 1 / 1 pts John has been AK-complexis a very high amplitude pattern of brain activity that may in some cases occur in response to environmental stimuli. Try going to bed and waking up at the same time every day to keep your biological clock in sync so your body gets in the habit of sleeping every night. QUIZ 1 EXTRA STUDY .docx - QUIZ 1 STUDY GUIDE HELP PLUS These brain areas include the prefrontal cortex and basal ganglia. Users can experience physical symptoms that include nausea, elevated blood pressure, and increased heart rate. Complications. Psychology 2e by Openstax is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. 1. Sleep is also associated with the secretion and regulation of a number of hormones from several endocrine glands including: melatonin, follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH), and growth hormone (National Institutes of Health, n.d.). Latent content, on the other hand, refers to the hidden meaning of a dream. Jet lag is a collection of symptoms that results from the mismatch between our internal circadian cycles and our environment. The early portion of stage 1 sleep producesalpha waves, which are relatively low frequency (813Hz), high amplitude patterns of electrical activity (waves) that become synchronized (Figure 4.8). In the variation of mindful meditation, the meditators attention is focused on some internal process or an external object (Zeidan, Grant, Brown, McHaffie, & Coghill, 2012). LINK TO LEARNING: To learn more about some of the most commonly abused prescription and street drugs, check out the, LINK TO LEARNING: Feeling stressed? Some people might turn to over-the-counter (OTC) or prescribed sleep medications to help them sleep, but this should be done sparingly because many sleep medications result in dependence and alter the nature of the sleep cycle, and they can increase insomnia over time. Fever. While there is tremendous variation in any given individuals sleep needs, the National Sleep Foundation (n.d.) cites research to estimate that newborns require the most sleep (between 12 and 18 hours a night) and that this amount declines to just 79 hours by the time we are adults. Alcohol, barbiturates (e.g., secobarbital, pentobarbital), Benzodiazepines (e.g., Xanax). While "internal state" or impulsivity are terms more generally discussed in psychology or neuroscience, the concept is familiar to anyone. Physical dependenceinvolves changes in normal bodily functionsthe user will experience withdrawal from the drug upon cessation of use. Awareness of external stimuli includes experiences such as seeing the light from the sun, feeling the warmth of a room, and hearing the voice of a friend. These behaviors vary widely, but they can include kicking, punching, scratching, yelling, and behaving like an animal that has been frightened or attacked. Keep your bedroom temperature between 60 and 67 degrees. In the wake of the opiate epidemic, many drug cartels in Mexico are shifting from producing heroin to producing highly potent but inexpensive forms of methamphetamine. A person withrestless leg syndromehas uncomfortable sensations in the legs during periods of inactivity or when trying to fall asleep. These drugs share in common their ability to serve as agonists of the gamma-Aminobutyric acid (GABA) neurotransmitter system. As mentioned earlier, REM sleep is marked by rapid movements of the eyes. As the dose increases, people report feeling sedated. While it is probably the most commonly used drug in the world, the potency of this particular drug pales in comparison to the other stimulant drugs described in this section. One complete menstrual cycle takes about 28 daysa lunar monthbut many biological cycles are much shorter. Some forms of psychotherapy, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, can help sufferers of insomnia. Site has information/education resources on a broad range of topics, including asthma, birth defects, radiation, sanitation, lead in blood, and more. Users often consume the drug every few hours across days-long binges called runs, in which the user forgoes food and sleep. In some cases, though, there may be no symptoms of inflammation at all. Common definitions of health include: a. optimal weight and endurance. In addition, stage 1 sleep involves a marked decrease in both overall muscle tension and core body temperature. Thepineal gland, an endocrine structure located inside the brain that releases melatonin, is thought to be involved in the regulation of various biological rhythms and of the immune system during sleep (Hardeland, Pandi-Perumal, & Cardinali, 2006). These symptoms include fatigue, sluggishness, irritability, and insomnia (i.e., a consistent difficulty in falling or staying asleep for at least three nights a week over a month's time) (Roth, 2007). A person who has a substance use disorder often uses more of the substance than they originally intended to and continues to use that substance despite experiencing significant adverse consequences. Many people experience disturbances in their sleep at some point in their lives. Methamphetamine in its smokable form, often called crystal meth due to its resemblance to rock crystal formations, is highly addictive. All of the following are true statements concerning the health of Americans EXCEPT: a. mortality rates from smoking have declined. In addition to withdrawal, many individuals who are diagnosed with substance use disorders will also develop tolerance to these substances. These symptoms include fatigue, sluggishness, irritability, andinsomnia(i.e., a consistent difficulty in falling or staying asleep for at least three nights a week over a months time) (Roth, 2007). If we have biological rhythms, then is there some sort ofbiological clock? That is why individuals suffering from sleep deprivation can also put themselves and others at risk when they put themselves behind the wheel of a car or work with dangerous machinery. Aside from their utility as analgesic drugs, opioid-like compounds are often found in cough suppressants, anti-nausea, and anti-diarrhea medications. c. deaths due to accidents have increased. Acute alcohol administration results in a variety of changes to consciousness. Why do we devote so much time to sleeping? As a result, many of us sleep less than 78 hours a night and accrue a sleep debt. This hypnogram illustrates how an individual moves through the various stages of sleep. Given the average life expectancy for U.S. citizens falls between 73 and 79 years old (Singh & Siahpush, 2006), we can expect to spend approximately 25 years of our lives sleeping. The lifespan perspective in health psychology reveals that adolescents One of the shortcomings with the health belief model is Risk factors for a health problem People whose personalities include high levels of _____ seem to be "disease" In fact, abuse of prescription opioid medications is becoming a major concern worldwide (Aquina, Marques-Baptista, Bridgeman, & Merlin, 2009; Casati, Sedefov, & Pfeiffer-Gerschel, 2012). Natural opioids, calledopiates, are derivatives of opium, which is a naturally occurring compound found in the poppy plant. While this is an intuitive explanation of sleep, there is little research that supports this explanation. Generally, treatment for night terrors is unnecessary unless there is some underlying medical or psychological condition that is contributing to the night terrors (Mayo Clinic, n.d.). For instance, some people would say they are morning people, while others would consider themselves to be night owls. Some animals never sleep (e.g., some fish and amphibian species); other animals sleep very little without apparent negative consequences (e.g., giraffes); yet some animals (e.g., rats) die after two weeks of sleep deprivation (Siegel, 2008). Narcolepsy is associated with reduced levels of the signaling molecule hypocretin in some areas of the brain (De la Herrn-Arita & Drucker-Coln, 2012; Han, 2012), and the traditional stimulant drugs do not have direct effects on this system. Drugwithdrawalincludes a variety of negative symptoms experienced when drug use is discontinued. Opioid addiction reached crisis levels in the United States such that by 2019, an average of 130 people diedeach dayof an opioid overdose (NIDA, 2019). (a) Common paraphernalia for heroin preparation and use are shown here in a needle exchange kit. Evolutionary psychologyis a discipline that studies how universal patterns of behavior and cognitive processes have evolved over time as a result ofnatural selection. In addition, if a pregnant woman consumes alcohol, her infant may be born with a cluster of birth defects and symptoms collectively called fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) or fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS). Although she did not experience any dream-like hallucinations, she was diagnosed with narcolepsy as a result of sleep testing. Repeated use of these stimulants can have significant adverse consequences. While caffeine may have some indirect effects on dopamine neurotransmission, its primary mechanism of action involves antagonizing adenosine activity (Porkka-Heiskanen, 2011). When people have difficulty getting sleep due to their work or the demands of day-to-day life, they accumulate a sleep debt. Research indicates that included among these possible benefits are increased capacities for creative thinking (Cai, Mednick, Harrison, Kanady, & Mednick, 2009; Wagner, Gais, Haider, Verleger, & Born, 2004), language learning (Fenn, Nusbaum, & Margoliash, 2003; Gmez, Bootzin, & Nadel, 2006), and inferential judgments (Ellenbogen, Hu, Payne, Titone, & Walker, 2007). Getting the optimal amount of sleep has also been associated with other cognitive benefits. There may be many factors that contribute to insomnia, including age, drug use, exercise, mental status, and bedtime routines. Sleep regulationrefers to the brains control of switching between sleep and wakefulness as well as coordinating this cycle with the outside world. Comparative research indicates, however, that the relationship that exists between predatory risk and sleep is very complex and equivocal. Hypnosis has also been used to draw out information believed to be buried deeply in someones memory. They can be helpful for people working night shifts or for people affected by seasonal variations in light. Guilleminault et al. Other drugs, including the opioid buprenorphine, have also been used to alleviate symptoms of opiate withdrawal. Until recently, the United States Department of Justice routinely arrested people involved and seized marijuana used in medicinal settings. The pons is important for regulating rapid eye movement (REM) sleep (National Institutes of Health, n.d.). When we are very young, we spend up to 16 hours a day sleeping. Taking a different approach to explain hypnosis, the social-cognitive theory of hypnosis sees people in hypnotic states as performing the social role of a hypnotized person. Stage 2 sleep is characterized by the appearance of both sleep spindles and K-complexes. In fact, it has been suggested that there is no reason to think that energetic demands could not be addressed with periods of rest and inactivity (Frank, 2006; Rial et al., 2007), and some research has actually found a negative correlation between energetic demands and the amount of time spent sleeping (Capellini, Barton, McNamara, Preston, & Nunn, 2008). Recent adaptations (e.g., Hobson, 2002) continue to update the theory based on accumulating evidence. One popular hypothesis of sleep incorporates the perspective of evolutionary psychology. Therefore, no movement of voluntary muscles occurs during REM sleep in a normal individual; REM sleep is often referred to as paradoxical sleep because of this combination of high brain activity and lack of muscle tone. In fact, ameta-analysis, which is a study that combines the results of many related studies, conducted within the last decade indicates that by the time we are 65 years old, we average fewer than 7 hours of sleep per day (Ohayon, Carskadon, Guilleminault, & Vitiello, 2004). Body temperature rises throughout the waking day, peaking in the afternoon, and falls during sleep with the lowest point occurring during the very early morning hours. Is it absolutely essential that we sleep? Tolerance can cause the user to increase the amount of drug used to a dangerous leveleven to the point of overdose and death. In a lucid dream, a person becomes aware of the fact that they are dreaming, and as such, they can control the dreams content (LaBerge, 1990). Humans have an endogenous opioid neurotransmitter systemthe body makes small quantities of opioid compounds that bind to opioid receptors reducing pain and producing euphoria. Those who continue to have insomnia, particularly if it affects their quality of life, should seek professional treatment. Some view a hypnotized persons behavior not as an altered or dissociated state of consciousness, but as their fulfillment of the social expectations for that role (Coe, 2009; Coe & Sarbin, 1966). Infants should not have caps placed on their heads when put down to sleep in order to prevent overheating, and people in the childs household should abstain from smoking in the home. Ahallucinogenis one of a class of drugs that results in profound alterations in sensory and perceptual experiences (Figure 4.18). According to the dissociation view, hypnosis is effectively a dissociated state of consciousness, much like our earlier example where you may drive to work, but you are only minimally aware of the process of driving because your attention is focused elsewhere. 1. These symptoms usually are opposite of the effects of the drug. These changes in brain wave activity can be visualized using EEG and are distinguished from one another by both the frequency and amplitude of brain waves (Figure 4.7). Weakness and fatigue. Chapter 5: Indoor Air Pollutants and Toxic Materials A few such benefits listed by the National Sleep Foundation (n.d.) include maintaining healthy weight, lowering stress levels, improving mood, and increasing motor coordination, as well as a number of benefits related to cognition and memory formation. Two of them I didnt even know I was involved in until afterwards (Henry & Rosenthal, 2013, p. 52). He suffered from no apparent anatomical brain anomalies or psychological disorders. Insudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)an infant stops breathing during sleep and dies. Upset stomach and vomiting. However, all of their somnambulistic patients who also suffered from sleep-related breathing problems showed a marked decrease in sleepwalking when their breathing problems were effectively treated. By the late 19th century, German psychiatrist SigmundFreudhad become convinced that dreams represented an opportunity to gain access to the unconscious. Many of these processes, like much of psychological behavior, are rooted in our biology. Manifest contentis the actual content, or storyline, of a dream. The axons of light-sensitive neurons in the retina provide information to the SCN based on the amount of light present, allowing this internal clock to be synchronized with the outside world (Klein, Moore, & Reppert, 1991; Welsh, Takahashi, & Kay, 2010) (Figure 4.3). Jet lagis a collection of symptoms that results from the mismatch between our internal circadian cycles and our environment. The Safe to Sleep campaign educates the public about how to minimize risk factors associated with SIDS. This is known as the REM rebound, and it suggests that REM sleep is also homeostatically regulated. This chart illustrates the circadian change in body temperature over 28 hours in a group of eight young men. (credit sleeping: modification of work by Ryan Vaarsi). 1. As you will learn when you study social roles, peoples behavior can be shaped by their expectations of how they should act in a given situation. In other words, dreaming involves constructing a virtual reality in our heads that we might use to help us during wakefulness. However, alternative treatment options are being explored because consistent compliance by users of CPAP devices is a problem. MDMA (3.4-methelynedioxy-methamphetamine, commonly known as ecstasy or Molly) is a mild stimulant with perception-altering effects. Early versions of this theory proposed that dreams were not the meaning-filled representations of angst proposed by Freud and others, but were rather the result of our brain attempting to make sense of (synthesize) the neural activity (activation) that was happening during REM sleep. Disorganized Thinking. (a) A period of rapid eye movement is marked by the short red line segment. THE INTERNAL STATE SCALE (ISS) Version 2 and the ChronoBook SCORING KEY AND SUMMARY Mark S. Bauer, MD . The chapter will close with discussions of altered states of consciousness produced by psychoactive drugs, hypnosis, and meditation. The researchers showed that these states correspond to distinct strategies, and then they identified . Many of these drugs, and their relationships, are shown inTable 4.2. Caffeine is found in many common medicines (such as weight loss drugs), beverages, foods, and even cosmetics (Herman & Herman, 2013). Participants were told they would not feel pain, but they could press a button if they did; while they reported not feeling pain, they did, in fact, press the button, suggesting a dissociation of consciousness while in the hypnotic state (Hilgard & Hilgard, 1994). d. respond to illnesses much like the older adults do. Melatonin is thought to be involved in the regulation of various biological rhythms and the immune system (Hardeland et al., 2006). Module 8: Somatic Symptom and Related Disorders Rather, the ISS r ecognizes mixed states and depressive symptoms during manic and hypomanic episodes. Awareness of external stimuli includes experiences such as seeing the light from the sun, feeling the warmth of a room, and hearing the voice of a friend. Theta wavesare even lower frequency (47 Hz), higher amplitude brain waves than alpha waves. Insleepwalking, or somnambulism, the sleeper engages in relatively complex behaviors ranging from wandering about to driving an automobile. Freud made distinctions between the manifest content and the latent content of dreams. Upon admission to an outpatient clinic for treatment of mood disorders, she met all of the diagnostic criteria for substance dependence and was advised to dramatically limit her caffeine intake. Increased alertness, mild euphoria, decreased appetite in low doses. During sleep, the pituitary gland secretes both FSH and LH which are important in regulating the reproductive system (Christensen et al., 2012; Sofikitis et al., 2008). This disorder is associated with a number of neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinsons disease. There is a tremendous amount of variability among sufferers, both in terms of how symptoms of narcolepsy manifest and the effectiveness of currently available treatment options. Scott Falater had a history of regular episodes of sleepwalking as a child, and he had even behaved violently toward his sister once when she tried to prevent him from leaving their home in his pajamas during a sleepwalking episode. b. life expectancy has reached a new high. Sleep apnea is defined as a reduction or cessation of breathing during sleep. Nicotine is highly addictive, and the use of tobacco products is associated with increased risks of heart disease, stroke, and a variety of cancers. You have read that sleep is distinguished by low levels of physical activity and reduced sensory awareness. Ebola virus disease - World Health Organization Methamphetamine addiction produces an intense craving that is difficult to treat. Despite recent changes in laws designed to make obtaining pseudoephedrine more difficult, methamphetamine continues to be an easily accessible and relatively inexpensive drug option (Shukla, Crump, & Chrisco, 2012). Although she had been taking a prescription antidepressant, her symptoms of depression continued to worsen and she began to suffer physically, displaying significant warning signs of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Early attempts to treat her condition with a stimulant drug alone were unsuccessful. What Is Inflammation? Types, Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment While we have discussed the negative outcomes associated with sleep deprivation, it should be pointed out that there are many benefits that are associated with adequate amounts of sleep. Sleep deprivation, in general, is associated with a number of negative consequences (Brown, 2012). Many individuals diagnosed with sleep apnea first seek treatment because their sleeping partners indicate that they snore loudly and/or stop breathing for extended periods of time while sleeping (Henry & Rosenthal, 2013). A neighbor called the police after witnessing Falater standing over his wifes body before dragging her into the pool. The consequences of sleep debt include decreased levels of alertness and mental efficiency. Because GABA has a quieting effect on the brain, GABA agonists also have a quieting effect; these types of drugs are often prescribed to treat both anxiety and insomnia. A hypnogram is a diagram of the stages of sleep as they occur during a period of sleep. Nasal Congestion: Symptoms, Signs, Causes & Treatment - MedicineNet The prevalence rates for somatic disorders are often difficult to determine; however, overall estimates of somatic symptom disorder are around 4-6%. We spend approximately one-third of our lives sleeping. The participant is guided to focus on one thing, such as the hypnotists words or a ticking watch. I was really sleepy and having trouble concentrating. Brain waves during REM sleep appear very similar to brain waves during wakefulness. By analyzing dreams, Freud thought people could increase self-awareness and gain valuable insight to help them deal with the problems they faced in their lives. Stage 3is often referred to as deep sleep or slow-wave sleep because this stage is characterized by low frequency (less than 3 Hz), high amplitudedelta waves(Figure 4.10). PSY-352 Health Psychology Flashcards | Quizlet typically follow the example of their parents more than their friends. Sleep apnea is much more common in overweight people and is often associated with loud snoring. This is an important factor because we can develop tolerance and experience withdrawal from any number of drugs that we do not abuse. NCEH provides leadership to promote health and quality of life by preventing or controlling those diseases, birth defects, or disabilities resulting from interaction between people and the environment. 2. Some research suggests that sleep deprivation affects cognitive and motor function as much as, if not more than, alcohol intoxication (Williamson & Feyer, 2000). Again, this is an intuitive and appealing explanation for why we sleep. When he told me, I made him go see the college therapist. Low doses increase relaxation, decrease inhibitions. Typically, individuals suffering from night terrors will fall back asleep again within a short time. These drugs promote increased levels of neural activity. Our lives involve regular, dramatic changes in the degree to which we are aware of our surroundings and our internal states. Nicotine exerts its effects through its interaction with acetylcholine receptors. Dopamine activity is often associated with reward and craving; therefore, drugs that affect dopamine neurotransmission often have abuse liability. . These components include: These steps are conducive to being open to the heightened suggestibility of hypnosis. Avoid alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine, and heavy meals before bed. Surprisingly, narcoleptic episodes are often triggered by states of heightened arousal or stress. At rather low doses, alcohol use is associated with feelings of euphoria. Unexplained hemorrhaging, bleeding or bruising. Devices like this are designed to provide exposure to bright light to help people maintain a regular circadian cycle. A sleep deprived individual generally will fall asleep more quickly than if she were not sleep deprived. Furthermore, these types of behaviors ultimately disrupt sleep, although affected individuals have no memories that these behaviors have occurred (Arnulf, 2012). Caffeine is an adenosine antagonist, so caffeine inhibits the adenosine receptors, thus decreasing sleepiness and promoting wakefulness.