tongan funeral speech

Im currently dating a guy from Tonga and Im slowly learning about their culture and stuff.. is al this actually true? Around 3:08:00 in the full video, you can see Finiasis contribution to the service, which was precious. Cultural Spotlight: Luhya People of Kenya Funeral Traditions, How to Preserve Your Funeral Roses and Make Meaningful Mementos, Cultural Spotlight: Rwandan Funeral Traditions. Celebration before the wedding (fakalelea). Even as late as 1865 Tvita Unga, King George Tupou I's son, the crown prince, was described as "minus 2 fingers, cut off as a tribute to some deceased relatives" (as well as having lost one eye).[2]. For example, my aunt was wailing at her grandsons funeral that died of sudden infant death (SIDs), because she thought her daughter in-law overfed him, and that is why her grandson died. July . But our Funeral roses are some of the most common flowers to give and receive when a loved one dies. Closer family will bring huge ngatu and other traditional gifts, and are supposed to stay for the ap (night vigil). I went to our Tonga Village Manager, Tevita Taumoepeau for an answer: Remember, the concept of marriage in Tonga is different from a westerners point of view. (This was originally done inside the grave to replace the by then rotten away skin of the deceased.) Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. He had been in poor health for some time. Tongans tend to show deference through their body language, such as keeping their head lower than people of higher rank or by averting eye contact. But our traditions are vastly different from those in other countries and cultures. After the viewings there is a giant feast where everyone in the village can come and eat. As I opened the link to a youtube Video with footage taken from the funeral of Tongan academic and the founder of the Atenisi Institute, Dr Futa Helu, I expected the usual sombre sounds of voices singing the tune of mourning for a loved one recently passed.What I found was something quite different. The household of the deceased is supposed to provide a meal, or meals if the putu are long, to all mourners. In Tonga, the monarch is still considered so sacred that no one may touch him. In Tonga the highest ranking family member is the fathers sister (mehikitonga) if it is your mehikitonga that has past, you have to wear the biggest taovala. In fact, Pohivas successive governments represented a privileged layer of business owners and the upper middle class, and proved totally incapable of meeting both the democratic aspirations and basic social needs of the vast majority of the population, which numbers 108,000. So many of the taboos that I have previously experienced were nonexistent in this service, and it seemed to allow people to mourn more fully than I have seen in the past. Numbers | I will leave it at that because it gets really confusing if you try and think about it and relate it to other family members and where they fit in The home stage of the funeral has different times for each member group in the village to come and pay their respects- first it is the family, then the church the disseast was a part of, then each church and its congregation. Over the coarse mats, loose strips of pandanus may be worn, as a kiekie (ornamental girdle). Listening to the Tongan hymns was one of the first of many times through the weekend that I was moved to tears remembering my dear father-in-law and the difference he made in so many lives. This is the BIG DAY for the couple to be united as one. As I am standing up here today, I realize how fortunate I was to have him as my Father. Brenchley: Jottings during the cruise of HMS 'Curacoa' among the South seas islands in 1865; London 1873. last but the youngest of 9 children of Late Grandpa Aisea Maile and Late Grandma Mele Tangesi Maile .Even dou it was a sad and difficult time for all of us but our loved for Tupou Tolutaha Maile have united us after a long period of time .Even the ocean has seperate us , but our loves for each others was deeper than the ocean. The Hunga-Tonga-Hunga-Ha'apai volcano, about 30 kilometers (20 miles) southeast of Tonga's Fonuafo'ou island, sits underwater between two small islands at about 2,000 meters (6,500 feet . if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,100],'omniglot_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_2',127,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-omniglot_com-medrectangle-4-0'); If you like this site and find it useful, you can support it by making a donation via PayPal or Patreon, or by contributing in other ways. Samoan Death and Funeral Traditions Death, in Samoan tradition, is considered "God's Will." It has traditionally been believed that Samoans should die at home. What is the White material you spoke about? These are the relatives who do the hard, dirty work of preparing the umu at the funeral. Tahitian, Pohiva benefited from ongoing disgust with the monarchy and was re-elected in 2017. Theres a lot of hard work for the women in preparing for the big day. The 'Ulumotu'a (Head of the family) will meet with the family members and discuss the length (days/weeks). The treaty remained until 1970, when Tonga became formally independent. The November 2006 riot, which followed speeches delivered to a rally by Pohiva and his right-wing allies, destroyed businesses owned by Sevele, and the royal family, as well as Chinese-owned businesses which sections of the Tongan petty bourgeoisie viewed as rivals. Their will always have a seat for that person. Then, like my father, I will have led a complete life. Apologies for the late reply. He loved his family and was deeply devoted to my mother and three siblings. Posturing as an opponent of the privileged elite, he gained a popular following and was first elected into parliament in 1987. After a term in opposition, Pohiva was finally elected prime minister by MPs following the 2014 election. Your email address will not be published. The mats represent their respect and love for the deceased. So a young man had to showcase his wealth and ability to demonstrate that he is able to care for his future family. My father was hardworking, strong, loving, and gentle. The funerals are normally in two stages- the home prayer and village morning stage with a feast, and then later the burial stage. Most people wear traditional funeral attire, including a woven mat. After the funeral, there is a funeral procession to the burial thats lead by a brass band. Many families and friends visited over the course of multiple days to pay respect to the Maile family. In the case of the death of a king, culturally everybody is considered inferior, and only the coarse mats are worn. Get a better translation with 4,401,923,520 human contributions . According to Lee (1996), she states that wailing at a Tongan funeral is normal emotional expression that many Tongan women will do, and that after a funeral, many people will joke about death or the deceased in a friendly manner. The Tongan working class and rural poor can achieve democratic rights and decent living standards only with a program to abolish the monarchy and the capitalist profit system and reorganise society along socialist lines. Clothing [ edit] They also may leave food, drinks, and flowers by the gravesite. Afas older cousins came and offered gifts of blankets and Tongan mats. Tongan is an Austronesian language of the Oceanic subgroup. Jump to phrases. He woke up everyday, put on his shoes, and went to work to provide for our family. Parents also avoid praising their children for accomplishments as a way to promote humility in the family. tongan funeral speech FREE COVID TEST can i take advil before a fasting blood test Book Appointment Now. 110 1 2022! The ruling family claims its heritage from King George Tupou I who converted to Christianity under the influence of Wesleyan missionaries and united Tongas 170 islands in 1845. I remember one time I asked my mother, Why does Daddy work so much ? Ive never seen so much food all in one place. As I observed and participated in the services, I was amazed at the contrasts between my previous experience with funerals and this one. They were buried in Kalkara Naval Cemetery in Malta. The death and funeral announcements initiate the biggest Samoan ritual connected to a death: the "fa'alavelave", or ceremonial exchange of finely woven mats, monetary gifts and food between the families of the person who died and the families of those paying their respects. document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); 55-370 Kamehameha Hwy Thank you so much for all your loves and kindness and your hospitalities while we were in USA .We are forever greatful for everything that you have done for us .Even dou it was a short period of time but we have the greatest time of our lives which we will treasured for life . When appearing in public during this period, a taovala is much recommended, and during this time it is traditional to wear a mourning taovala. A collection of useful phrases in Tongan, a Polynesian language spoken mainly in Tonga. In addition, when it comes to immediate family funerals, an aunt has the privilege or her children, to cut any of her brothers children hair as a sign of respect to the deceased, especially if the deceased is a grandmother, grandfather, or father figure (Lee, 1996). Funerals in Tonga, despite the large Christian influence they have received over the last 150 years or so, are still very much a traditional affair and an important part of the culture of Tonga, especially if it concerns the death of a member of the royal family or a high chief. Introduction Fofola e fala kae talanoa e kinga Fofola e fala kae talanoa e kinga is the Tongan Conceptual Framework that was developed by the Tongan Working Group (Working Group) to assist Tongan practitioners and service providers who work with The Cultural Atlas team acknowledges the Traditional Owners of the lands throughout Australia on whose country we have the privilege to live and work. To better understand the Tongan culture, there is a hierarchy within the culture where sisters outrank their brothers, and sisters have an authoritative power that brothers must abide by (Evans, 2001; Lee, 1996). It is well with my soul/ Fiemalie performed at Tae Kami's funeral 98,830 views Aug 28, 2010 444 Dislike Share Save teedah 145 subscribers Tae Kami's favourite hymn "It is well with my soul". At this stage they get to know each other very well and the man has to make his proposal to the girls dad or her uncle which is known as the Ulumotua, the Head of the Extended family. They're grief may also be represented in the size of the ta'ovala. Traditionally, Tongan weddings comprise of a number of traditional steps or phases: 3. Tongans tend to prioritise the present moment and socialising with people over maintaining punctuality or worrying about the future. Tongan is also spoken in New Zealand by about 31,800 people, in the USA by about 31,400 people, in Australia by about 17,700, and also in Amerian Samoa . Thank you for adding more information to the story. Decorating the funeral home where the viewing will be held is also another expensive cost. Multiple people got up to speak for him, and the people sang Tongan hymns throughout the service. Tonga is increasingly caught up in global geo-political tensions and rivalries. [2] Aid to the Pacific Reviewed in Class and Culture in the South Pacific, 1987, pages 7475. Last Update: 2020-09-17 Usage Frequency: 1 Quality: Reference: Anonymous. Tongans place a high value on ' loto to ' (humility). Wages remain extremely low. A typical family unit may consist of adopted children, cousins and other distant relatives, alongside siblings and grandparents., The two biggest occasions for Tongan families are weddings and funerals, both characterised by the giving of gifts including traditional tapa cloths and woven mats, (from, Tongan funerals are also times of great respect and love. Get templates for as low as $2. To develop their relationship, especially with the girls parents, this stage is critical. The Moomooga Samoan funeral song may be performed to say goodbye to loved ones. Typically mourners bring small funeral gifts for the grieving family, such as woven mats, food, or money. It was one of the most precious time as a member of the Mailes families to be able to meet and see each others after a long period of time , we will forever cherish our valuable time together forever .We would like to say thank you to our Aunty Pepe Uila Maile , our cousins Molly and Loraine family , Fatai James and Jeff , Eleni family , Afa and Tromila family for welcoming us into your homes with and open arms and heart . She looked at me and said, Honey, every one's Daddy works a lot. The Tui Tonga were buried in the langi (burial mounds), most of them in Lapaha. Theres usually an open casket for mourners to say goodbye to the deceased. We were able to honor his life from March 3-5. The period of mourning, and thus the obligation to wear black, differs depending on how closely related a mourner is to the deceased. Your email address will not be published. Phrases | Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Gift exchange, feeding the mourners, and dcor are the most expensive matters at a traditional Tongan funeral (Evans, 2001). At the end of the 10 days it will be officially cut. It was not my first experience in a Tongan funeral, but it was by far my most involved. Having grown up in Tennessee, I learned to stop for funeral processions, no matter which side of the street it was on. The gifts received by the family were incredibly generous. In Tonga, village funerals are a part of life, they are very elaborate and confusing to us palangi. Its normal to have between 5-15 people in the wedding line, and thats just on the brides side. Hi Im getting married in Tonga on the 29th of September 2018 and I need help finding someone to do hair and makeup could you please help. We hope our funeral speech examples will inspire you to write a heartfelt eulogy to honour your loved one. Her blogs focus on their history, beliefs, practices and as an added bonus delicious food! Hello. The wedding day (ma'utohi) Step 1: Friendship A young man meets a girl and is interested in her. What kind of ta'ovala is worn depends on the relationship to the deceased. However on the wedding day, it was the groom who hosted the wedding reception, and not the bride, like in the western world. From outside the home where we were sitting we could hear the singing and crying. There are three social dialects: one for talking to the king, one for chiefs and nobles, and one for the common people. During the mourning period, mourners wear black clothing. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); How Elderly Tongan Women Embrace Aging andDeath. Nov. . The days were long but filled with love, family, and support. If the proposalis accepted, they will decide on the date of the wedding. The type of mat worn, referred to as ta'ovala, indicates how one is related to the deceased. As I am standing up here today, I realize how fortunate I was to have him as my Father. Tongan soldiers served with our allies during the First and Second World Wars and later independently to offer support in Iraq and Afghanistan. In exchange for the gifts the family received, we provided plates of food for everyone who attended. The priest also may do a graveside funeral service, and the men in the family dig the grave. Explore. "Anyone who knew my mother quickly learned that she was a woman of deep and abiding faith. It was all intended to share, which is where so much of the beauty comes from. Hoku vakapuna tt 'i 'olunga fono 'i he toke. The ta'ovala worn by close relatives can be particularly large. Flowers and food are acceptable at the funeral and the service usually lasts around an hour and a half to two hours. This was a very big, very fancy wedding. But to answer your question, a young mans family would present the brides family with the same types of gifts: mats, tapa, pigs and anything they prized highly. However, gossiping is considered to be profoundly disrespectful and inconsiderate. Way back in the old days when there was a wedding, most of the wedding attire were made out of tapa cloth. A collection of useful phrases in Tongan, a Polynesian language spoken mainly in Tonga. ins.dataset.fullWidthResponsive = 'true'; Sample remarks for a religious funeral. Note, these traditions may vary depending on the individual and their own beliefs. There are a variety of distinct cultures and countries within and among different parts of the region, especially between Micronesia, Melanesia and Polynesia. It is really respectful and there is a strong since of community because everyone in the village wears black and their taovala, they all help by donating food and money and sometimes small gifts to the family, and for 4 days after the funeral there is no loud music played and no public celebrations. Be patient and accept the slower pace of Tongan time. The burial itself starts with a church service, the number of reverends/priests, the number of their sermons and therefore the duration of the service is proportional to the rank of the corpse. As soon as the death has occurred all family members will be notified, nowadays often by a radio message, and they are supposed to come to the putu (funeral rites). Moving to defuse deepening opposition to the entire ruling set-up, Sevele and King George V promised more democratic elections in 2010: for the first time the majority of the legislature, 17 out of 26 seats, would be elected by the people, a move which was hailed internationally as a democratic transition. Preparation and printing of a funeral programme: The printed funeral programme should indicate the time and place of each activity. tongan funeral speechterri nunn and richard blade relationship. Tongan lea faka'eiki, or 'chiefly language' is locally conceptualized as consisting of two levels of honorific vocabulary, a higher level for the king and a lower level for chiefs. Friday evening was a beautiful tribute to Grandpa. 05 Tell a story about the person if you feel it's applicable. Throughout its 175-year modern history, the royal family, supported by a layer of chiefly nobles and the churches, has ruled Tonga in a dictatorial manner, maintaining a lavish lifestyle while overseeing the impoverished and disenfranchised population. But cultures are always changing due to world influence. Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary began their visit to India at the iconic Taj Mahal in Agra, before visiting the Agra Fort, touring both historical sites and learning the celebrated Mughal legacy in India. Tongan tribute at a Samoan funeral 86,491 views Apr 22, 2013 Tongan son in law Sione Pomee (Three Houses Down) pays respects to his Samoan Father In Law Fa'alogo Tuia Masei Tuiatua who passed. In the later days of the mourning period, the fakaaveave can be worn alone without the bulky taovala. Manufacturing, mainly small-scale industry and handicrafts, contributes only 3 percent of GDP. Grief Mourning Tonga Tongan Culture Previous Post The Patience in a Cup of Tea Next Post The New (To Me) World of Classical Culture See Our Packages for more details. said to three people. The Tongan traditions allowed us all to grieve communally so that no one had to mourn in isolation. The type of mat worn, referred to as ta'ovala, indicates how one is related to the deceased. tongan funeral speech. Whoever die the man or the lady , the dads older sister is the fahu. Required fields are marked *. The type of woven mat depends on several factors, such as someones relationship to the deceased. As is often the case, Tongans mourn as a community. Women bring the tapas and mats, while the men reciprocate with pigs, yams and other food. Funerals in Tonga, despite the large Christian influence they have received over the last 150 years or so, are still very much a traditional affair and an important part of the culture of Tonga, especially if it concerns the death of a member of the royal family or a high chief. Throughout the service, two of the young women covered and uncovered the casket with a sheer white cover. Take care when admiring something owned by your Tongan counterpart. Canberra and Wellington also demanded pro-business measures, including the withdrawal of the royal family from business ventures, government spending cuts and the privatisation of assets. There are not words to express his influence in my life. Some men in more modern style ta'ovalas Even the kids wear them! One of the biggest differences at this funeral was the interactions we had with the body. Thank you for your question, Eric. The following tender verses were written after the death of her beloved husband,Viliami Tung Mailefihi. Otherwise, one's spirit may cause problems for the family. The funeral service mixed Tongan ritual with the Wesleyan Christian tradition of hymns, bible readings, prayers and eulogies. Based on Tongan Funeral Protocol and perspective, the Pongipongi model uses the Ripple Effect format as a framework to explain the grieving and loss process. For friends or distantly related members it is enough that they come, pay their respect to the dead, bring a small gift for the widow (or close relatives), have their share of food and then leave until the actual burial. Tongans believe God takes everyone when it's his or her time. His grandkids would gather around the room, and everyone would want their chance to sit on Grandpa's lap. The Agra Fort is a #UNESCO World Heritage Site & is located about 2.5 km northwest of the #TajMahal. Notwithstanding the pro-democracy leaders quarrels with the monarchy and the nobles over the division of power and privileges, they proved to be just as fearful and hostile toward the poor and working people, and just as tied to imperialist powers. The attributing of woman's hair is equally reflected in the Bible. Laying of wreaths. One of the larger ceremonies was the fai lotu on Thursday evening. On the contrary, they show Tongan tradition to be the lively changing entity it is